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Information for schools and students


Where and how to file an application

Where to file an application:

pplications for visas and residence permits for the purpose of studies may be filed at a Czech Embassy in the state of which the applicant is a citizen, or, if needs be, in the state that issued the travel document that the foreign national holds, or in the state in which the foreign national has a long-term or permanent residence permit (§ 169g of the ARFN).

Exceptions to the obligation to file for a long-term visa or long-term residence permit at the relevant local embassy are laid down by Decree No. 429/2010 Coll. A list of these counties can be found at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs web pages.

An application for a long-term residence permit following up on a long-term visa for the same purpose, or an application to extend the current long-term residence permit is filed at the MOI offices according to the applicant’s place of residence.


How to file an application

According to § 178 of the ARFN a foreign national older than 15 years of age who is able to express his/her own will and is capable of acting independently is considered as legally competent.

The embassy charges CZK[1] 500 for accepting an application for a residence permit for the purpose of studies. The foreign national then pays CZK 1,000 for the residence card in the Czech Republic. Acceptance of an application for a long-term visa for the purpose of studies is exempt from a consular fee. For accepting an application for a long-term visa for the purpose of “other” the embassy charges CZK[2] 2,500.

A foreign national is obliged to file an application for a long-term visa or long-term residence in person. In justified cases the embassy can waive this obligation (§ 169d par 3 of the ARFN).


[1] Act No. 634/2004 Coll., on Administrative Fees –administrative fees – item 162/a

[2] Act No. 634/2004 Coll., on Administrative Fees –administrative fees  item 144A


Department for Asylum and Migration Policy, October 12th, 2023

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