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More than 10 billions CZK for efficient public administration from European programs

Funds to support the modernization of public administration in the Czech Republichave been approved. The Ministry of the Interior helps to allocate European money from Integrated Operational Program (... 


The Czech Republic granted international protection to Cuban dissident

Cuban political prisoner Ronaldo Jiménez Pozada and four members of his family have arrived to Prague on 26th October. Minister of the Interior Radek John, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign A... 


New anti-corruption strategy introduced

Fight against corruption is the top priority of the Ministry of the Interior and the coalition government. The strategy engages all citizens and public organizations in common effort to abolish a corr... 


Annual Report: International Protection in the Czech Republic in 2009

Main trends, number of seekers, proceedings and European cooperation 

Ministr vnitra Martin Pecina

Czech court dissolves the Workers´ Party

The Czech Supreme Administrative Court dissolved on 17th February 2010 the Workers´ Party. The Worker´s party programme contains xenophobia, chauvinism, homophobia and a racist subtext. It spreads fea... 

lidé v řadě

Psychosocial guidelines for work with people affected by the earthquake in Haiti

Psychology Section of the Ministry of the Interior prepared, in the framework of international cooperation, basic psychosocial guidelines for work with people affected by the earthquake in Haiti. 


Visa liberalisation for Western Balkans countries

On 30 November the Council for Justice and Home Affairs decided to grant visa free travel to and throughout the Schengen area for citizens of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and ... 

mezinárodní spolupráce

Avoiding Amnesia in a Digital World

The world‘s archivists have been looking into a collective crystal ball, imagining the future of their profession in the 21 century. Meeting in Malta, 240 archives and records professionals from 90 co... 

New MEDEVAC patients from Cambodia

First two children patients from Cambodia arrived in Prague to be treated in Paediatric Cardiocentre in the Motol University Hospital. Two 3-years old Cambodians Auvin and Dauvin will both undergo a s... 


Data Box - Another Step in Electronification of Public Administration

A new electronic documents delivery system has been launched by the Ministry of the Interior and the Czech Post. On November 1st, 2009 a new era of communication within public administration as well a... 


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