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For candidates - foreigners

published August 4th, 2021



Can I be a candidate if I am a non-national?

I am a citizen of non-European Union country. Can I run as a candidate?
- No, you cannot. There is currently no agreement with any third country for its citizens to vote or stand as a candidate.

I am a citizen of another EU Member State. Can I run as a candidate?
- Yes, in the elections to the European Parliament and in the municipal assembly elections.


I want to run in the municipal assembly elections

The municipal assembly elections are held in each municipality (including Prague).

In large municipalities, which are further divided into city districts (Brno, Ostrava, Plzeň, Ústí nad Labem, Pardubice, Opava, Liberec and the Capital City of Prague), elections to the council of the entire city are held, as well as elections to councils of each city districts.

A candidate may be anyone who:

  • is a citizen of a different EU Member State,

  • is at least 18 years of age on the second day of the election,

  • has residence in the Czech Republic as on the election day (has a permanent residence permit or certificate of temporary residence / registration certificate),

  • has residence in the municipality in which he/she intends to run as a candidate (for example, a non-national with permanent residence in Humpolec may run only for the Humpolec City Assembly),

  • does not have restricted legal capacity to exercise voting rights (by a court decision),

  • is not serving a prison sentence (i.e. is not in jail).


For whom can I run as a candidate?

A list of candidates can be submitted by:

  • a political party registered in the Ministry of the Interior,

  • a political movement registered in the Ministry of the Interior,

  • a coalition of registered political parties or political movements,

  • an association of independent candidates,

  • an independent candidate,

  • an association of a political party or political movement and independent candidates.

A non-national can run as a candidate for any of these entities or as an independent candidate.

Attention! A non-national cannot be a member of a political party or a political movement in the Czech Republic. However, this does not prevent them from being on its list of candidates. In this case, the candidate is listed on the candidate list and on the voting ballot as being without political affiliation.


Can I run alone as an independent candidate?

Yes. Both independent candidates and associations of independent candidates can run in the municipal assembly elections.

However, in this case the candidacy must be supported by a petition signed by voters. The necessary number of petitioners depends on the population of the municipality. The number is published by the registration authority no later than 85 days prior to the Election Day.


What should I do if I want to run as a candidate?

A candidate list must be submitted no later than 66 days prior to the Election Day. Candidate lists are submitted to the registration authority. The essentials of a candidate list are governed by § 22 of Act No 491/2001 on the elections to the municipal councils and on amendments to some acts, as amended.

If you intend to run as a candidate for a particular political party or political movement, contact the given entity to inform them of your interest in doing so.


Who is the registration authority?

Registration authorities are municipalities, except for small municipalities with insufficient staff. In general, it can be said that a municipality whose municipal council has established at least two departments within its municipal office registers candidate lists on its own behalf. For other municipalities, the locally designated municipal office registers candidate lists.

The list of the registration authorities for its territory is published by the designated municipal office at least 85 days prior to the Election Day.


If I am elected, can I become a mayor, deputy mayor or councillor?

Pursuant to § 103 of Act No 128/2000 on municipalities (establishment of municipalities), as amended, a mayor or deputy mayor must be a citizen of the Czech Republic.

However, a non-national can be a member of the municipal council.


Where can I obtain more information?

Information on current elections is published on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. You can submit individual questions to your municipal office, the registration authority, relevant regional office or the elections department of the Ministry of the Interior. The next state-wide municipal elections will take place in the autumn of 2022.


I would like to run in the elections to the European Parliament.

A candidate may be anyone who:

  • is a citizen of a different EU Member State,

  • is at least 21 years of age on the second day of the election,

  • has residence in the Czech Republic (has a permanent residence permit or certificate of temporary residence / registration certificate),

  • has residence in the Czech Republic at least 45 days prior to the Election Day,

  • does not have restricted legal capacity to exercise voting rights (by a court decision),

  • has not been disqualified from being elected to the European Parliament in their country of citizenship (if he/she has more than one nationality, he/she may not be disqualified from being elected in any of them).

A candidate may be on only one candidate list. This means that no-one can run in multiple Member States. To prevent dual candidacy, the Member States exchange information on candidates.


For whom can I run as a candidate?

A list of candidates can be submitted by:

  • a political party registered in the Ministry of the Interior,

  • a political movement registered in the Ministry of the Interior,

  • a coalition of registered political parties or political movements.

A non-national can run as a candidate for any of the above entities.

Attention! A non-national cannot be a member of a political party or a political movement in the Czech Republic. However, this does not prevent him/her from being on its list of candidates.  In this case, the candidate is listed on the candidate list and on the voting ballot as being without political affiliation.


Can I run alone as an independent candidate?

No. Independent candidates or associations of independent candidates cannot run independently. Only political parties, political movements registered in the Ministry of the Interior, or coalitions thereof can run in the elections to the European Parliament.


What should I do if I want to run as a candidate?

Contact the political party or political movement for which you intend to run as a candidate to inform them of your interest in doing so.

A representative of the political entity must submit a candidate list no later than 66 days prior to the Election Day to the Ministry of the Interior. The essentials of a candidate list are governed by § 22 of Act No 62/2003 on the elections to the European Parliament and on amendments to some acts, as amended. Further information is available in our statement / opinion How to submit a candidate list Jak podat kandidátní listinu.

The list of candidates must be accompanied by a candidate’s declaration form. This declaration can also be submitted in English, German or French. Sample declarations are available here:


Where can I obtain more information?

Information on current elections is published on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. You can submit individual questions to the elections department of the Ministry of the Interior, the relevant regional office or your municipal office. The next elections to the European Parliament will take place in 2024.


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