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Non-structural EU Programmes for Information Society Development

The decription of non-structural EU programmes: CIP ICT PSP and SaferInternetPlus 

  • General Information
  • SaferInternetPlus

General Information

General Information

Ministry of Interior, namely the EU Cross-Sectional Projects Department, is responsible for the national representation of two Non-structural EU Programmes:

  • SaferInternetPlus

The Ministry has two different roles, it acts as the National Contact Point for these two programmes and it also represents the Czech Republic in the Steering Committee meetings.

The third programme that the Ministry of Interior was responsible for – eContentplus programme – is going to be incorporated into CIP ICT PSP from the year 2009.



Programme CIP (Competitiveness and Innovation Programme) is a European Non-structural Programme that aims to to encourage the competitiveness of European enterprises. The programme is scheduled for the period of 2007-2013 and it is divided into three sections:

  • The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP)
  • The ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP)
  • The Intelligent Energy-Europe Programme (IEEP)

The Ministry of Interior is responsible for the second section called „ICT Policy Support Programme“ (CIP ICT PSP). Programme ICT PSP started in 2007 by the 1st call for proposals. In 2008, it continued by the 2nd call for proposals with the deadline on the 9 September 2008. European Commission is currently finishing the evaluation of the projects from the 2nd call and the contracts signatures are planned for the beginning of the year 2009. In February 2009, the European commission will launch the 3rd call for proposals with expected deadline in June 2009.

The CIP ICT Policy Support Programme is closely linked to the EU initiative „i2010 - A European Information Society for growth and employment“ which aims to create a Single European Information Space, to strenghten investment and innovation in ICT Research, and to support inclusion, better public services and quality of life through the use of ICT.

The Work Programme of ICT PSP for 2009 is currently under preparation and it is expected to be approved in December 2008.

For more detailed information on the CIP ICT PSP programme, please contact PhDr. Martin Kusak, martin.kusak@mvcr.cz, +420 974 817 539.



The Safer Internet plus programme aims to promote safer use of the Internet and new online technologies, particularly for children, and to fight against illegal content and content unwanted by the end-user.

The fight against illegal content is realized mainly through the „helpline“ that provides psychological and social assistence to children, and „hotline“, where anyone can announce the illegal content on the web.

SaferInternetPlus program builds on the Safer Internet Action Plan from the period of 198-2004. Calls for proposals for 2008 were closed on 28 May 2008. For the next period, 2009-2013, the European Commission prepared a proposal of new programme which will continue to create a safer online environment for children. The budget for this period will be of 55 M€.

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