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Targeted deepening of relations with neighbours II.

Brush Up Your English (Slovníček)  


Ukraine was once again critical of the tones from Brussels. Kiev has been hoping for a more positive signal from the European Commission about eventual membership.

"The ENP basic tenets do not correspond to the strategic interests of Ukraine to acquire the EU membership in the long run," a press statement said.

"The success of implementation of the EU-Ukraine Action Plan is a reflection of the general political will and persistent efforts of Ukraine to pursue internal reforms necessary to meet the EU membership criteria."

It is not a result of the success of the ENP vis-a-vis Ukraine.

once again – opět, znovu tones – tóny, zvuky to hope for – doufat v co membership – členství basic – základní tenet – podstata, doktrína to correspond – shodovat se interest – zájem to acquire – získat in the longrun – nakonec, časem pressstatement – tisková zpráva success – úspěch general – všeobecný will – vůle persisent – přetrvávající effort – snaha to pursue – sledovat, pokračovat v necessary – nutný result – výsledek vis-à-vis – vůči

East vs South

The ENP has also been dividing EU member states. While some – particularly Central and Eastern European EU members – have been backing the eastern dimension of the policy, others have been calling for developing further the relations with southern countries.

Last month, EU leaders approved a plan put forward by French President Nicolas Sarkozy for a Union for the Mediterranean aimed at fostering cooperation with the EU's southern neighbours.

For his part, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has said he would unveil proposals in June to draw Ukraine closer to the EU and boost relations with eastern countries.

But Ms Ferrero-Waldner called on Poland not to hurry with new proposals, and rather try to use existing instruments.

"We need to do more work now on what we have at the moment, before moving forward. We need to make sure that words are actually implemented in practice," she said.

"Obviously I am not excluding work on the content with our Polish colleagues, but I think we need to use what we have at the moment, it's all very new, a lot remains to be done."

vs=versus – proti to divide – rozdělit while – zatímco particularly – zvláště to back – podporovat others – jiní to call for – volat po čem to develop – vyvinout southern – jižní to approve – schválit to put forward – navrhovat to aim – mít cíl to foster – pěstovat, podporovat neighbour – soused tounveil – odhalit proposal – návrh to draw (neprav. sloveso draw-drew-drawn) – přitáhnout to boost – podpořit to callonsb. – vyzývat koho to hurry – spěchat rather – raději to try – pokusit se forward – kupředu to make sure – ujistit se toimplement – zavést, uvést do praxe obviously – je zřejmé content – obsah to need – potřebovat a lot – hodně to remain – zůstat

Markéta Frýbová

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