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  1. Generally
  2. Excerpt from the questionnaire
9.      What are the main tasks and responsibilities of the National Rapporteur in your country?
  • 9.1. Monitoring and analyses of the situation, trends and possible threads.
  • 9.2. Collection of data on THB.
    • 9.2.1.    There is a central collection of a statistical data on THB and the data is received from various stakeholders.
  • 9.3. Coordination of anti-trafficking activities on a national level.
    This task is fulfilled by the Expert Group for Combating Human Trafficking, presided by the National Coordinator for Combating Human Trafficking. 
  • 9.4. National Reports.
    Reports on fulfillment of the National Programme of Combating Human Trafficking tasks are worked out one a year within bodies involved in combating human trafficking in the Slovak Republic.
  • 9.5. Preparation and evaluation of the National Action Plans.
    The task falls under the competence of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic with participation of other bodies involved in combating human trafficking in the Slovak Republic. 
    • 9.5.1.    To whom are the above mentioned documents submitted?
      Such documents are submitted for discussion of the Expert Group for Combating Human Trafficking, and subsequently to the Slovak Republic Government for approval. 
    • 9.5.2.    Who approves these documents? 
      The National Programme for Combating Human Trafficking for years 2008 to 2010 was approved by the Slovak Republic Government in its resolution No. 251 of 23 April 2008. 
    • 9.5.3.    Who enforces the actions stipulated by the documents?
      The National Action Plan of Combating Human Trafficking that is a part of the above-mentioned National Programme also lays down a responsibility for fulfillment of respective tasks by particular body. Such bodies are respective ministries and other state authorities, self-government and third sector representatives. 
  • 9.6. International cooperation in the majority of the above mentioned areas.
    Respective bodies involved in combating human trafficking participate in international cooperation within their competence.

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