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  1. Generally
  2. Excerpt from the questionnaire
  3. Contacts
9. What are the main tasks and responsibilities of the National Rapporteur in your country?
  • 9.1. Monitoring and analyses of the situation, trends and possible threads.
  • 9.2. Collection of data on THB.
    • 9.2.1. There is a central collection of a statistical data on THB and the data is received from various stakeholders.
      The National Rapporteur collects statistical data from various stakeholders on THB and disseminates the information in the yearly reports. 
      • If yes, please provide information on the nature of the stakeholders. (E. g. Ministry of Justice, Police, Labour Inspectors, Embassies, NGOs, etc.).
        Police, prosecutors service, immigration, victim assistance organisations, research services etc. 
    • 9.2.2. Is some of the data collected directly by the National Rapporteurs office? (E. g. personal data on the following).
      The Rapporteur does some research itself which is reflected in her reports.
  • 9.3. Coordination of anti-trafficking activities on a national level.
    The Minister of Justice is responsible for coordinating anti trafficking policy and for law enforcement, crime prevention and immigration. Local policy and police matters fall under the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport are also active in combating THB.

    All involved ministries have appointed a coordinator for human trafficking. They meet regularly in interdepartmental meetings. Twice a year all ministries meet with involved NGO’s and the National Rapporteurs. 
  • 9.4. National Reports. 
    • 9.4.1. Annual reports.
      Yes, combating Human Trafficking is addressed within the overall Programme Strengthening tackling Organised Crime. This programme is monitored on a yearly basis. Since Human trafficking is such a high priority for government, parliament and the different services (law enforcement, prosecutors and NGO’s), experience is that several more specialized initiatives are presented to and discussed with parliament throughout the year. The activities of the Task Force Human Trafficking (established in February 2008) are incorporated in appropriate policy papers. 
    • 9.4.2. Reports based on a longer period. Please describe period length and state why this specific period of time was chosen.
      Since 2004, a National Threat Assessment on organized crime is submitted every 2 years. Every 4 years on the bases of the National Threat Assessments, National Priorities organized crime are being selected and discussed in parliament. Human trafficking and smuggling has since 2004 been named a priority for law enforcement services.
  • 9.5. Preparation and evaluation of the National Action Plans
    • 9.5.1.To whom are the above mentioned documents submitted?
      All policy papers and action plans are send to Parliament and discussed in parliament. Our national action plan was presented to parliament in December 2004 and supplementary measures in February 2006. Main focus at this stage is the work initiated by the Task Force Human Trafficking on all different areas of combating human trafficking. 
    • 9.5.2. Who approves these documents?
      All involved ministries and eventually parliament.
    • 9.5.3. Who enforces the actions stipulated by the documents?
      Documents with actions are prepared with the involvement of the different services (law enforcement and NGO’s) and ministries. The Ministry of Justice coordinates (implementation of) activities stipulated in the documents. 
  • 9.6. International cooperation in the majority of the above mentioned areas.
    International initiatives are as much as possible incorporated in policy papers and activities of the government. Mentioned could be the bilateral cooperation with countries of origin such as Bulgaria, Rumania and Nigeria and cooperation within the Kingdom of the Netherlands (the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba). At EU level the Netherlands have initiated the North West Hub cooperation of 7 EU Member States with Europol. The Council of Europe Convention combating human trafficking is in final station of ratification.

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