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  • Generally
  • Excerpt from the questionnaire
  • Contacts


Flag of Lithuania Flag of Lithuania
There is no single institution of the National Rapporteur in Lithuania. Function of National Rapporteur is implemented by different governmental institution, NGO and IOM mission in Lithuania; main functions of National Rapporteur are implemented by National Coordinator.
National Coordinator – the Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior of Republic of Lithuania. Main functions: reporting THB situation in Lithuania to Government and Parliament, coordinating implementation of national anti-trafficking action plan (the Programme for the Prevention and Control of Trafficking in Human Beings for 2005-2008); initiates and supports relations between governmental institutions, NGO, international organizations etc.
NGO: Implementing national anti-trafficking action plan an annual report is commissioned from independent public actor (requirements for organization are prepared by the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Lithuania). Due to national legislation, public competition is organized to choose the best service provider to prepare above mentioned annual report on THB situation in Lithuania. In 2006 report was prepared by Association of Lithuanian Human Rights League, in 2007 – JSC “Pramogų akademija”, the report of THB situation in Lithuania for the period of implementation national action plan (2005–2008) is prepared by Association of Lithuanian Human Rights League.
IOM Mission in Lithuania: in 2006 a common depersonalised database about the victims of trafficking in human beings was developed and installed in institutions providing social assistance. The database is administrated by IOM Mission in Lithuania. It enables non-governmental organisations to exchange available information about the victims of trafficking in human beings. State institutions can also use this statistical and analytical information prepared on half-year basis. The aforesaid database stores not only quantitative data about the age, education level, destination country etc. of human trafficking victims, but also qualitative indicators that demonstrate how victims were recruited, what kind of assistance they received in nongovernmental organisations. Data on crimes, related to trafficking in human beings, is stored separately in the data management system of law enforcement institutions which stores data on persons, incidents, etc. collected during operational actions, and intended to provide information to operational subjects. Continuing the collection and analysis of information related to trafficking in human beings, the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior plans to develop and install the system of tactical and strategic information that would centrally store and analyse available information on persons related to trafficking in human beings.
Children’s Rights Ombudsman Institution: collects information, carries researches on trafficking in children situation in Lithuania, and provides recommendations how to improve combating in trafficking in children measures to the Parliament, Government, and other public institutions. Children’s Rights Ombudsman also reports trafficking in children situation to the Parliament and international organizations (e. g. United Nations).
This model has certain advantages and disadvantages:
Advantages: close cooperation with NGO and law enforcement institutions ensures collection and analysis of objective data. Close cooperation between different actors in the field of control and prevention THB also makes an impact on operative reaction to the problem in general and particular problems which rise in the process of combating THB.
Disadvantages: there is no centralized institution which would be responsible for reporting and information gathering and analysis. Sometimes it makes dissonance between THB situations presented by governmental and non-governmental actors.
Continuity of Children’s Rights Ombudsman activities is ensured, as well as permanent work of National Coordinator. Preparation of annual report on THB situation is financed by the government every year, but the procedure of selection of NGO (the public competition) doesn’t ensure continuity of the activities for single NGO.

Excerpt from the questionnaire

9. What are the main tasks and responsibilities of the National Rapporteur in your country?
  • 9.1. Monitoring and analyses of the situation, trends and possible threads.
  • 9.2. Collection of data on THB.
    • 9.2.1. There is a central collection of a statistical data on THB and the data is received from various stakeholders.
      • If yes, please provide information on the nature of the stakeholders. (E. g. Ministry of Justice, Police, Labour Inspectors, Embassies, NGOs, etc.).
        Depersonalized data base is established by IOM Mission in Lithuania. It was partly financed by the Ministry of the Interior of Republic of Lithuania. It enables non-governmental organisations to exchange available information about the victims of trafficking in human beings. State institutions can also use this statistical and analytical information prepared on half-year basis.
    • 9.2.2.  Is some of the data collected directly by the National Rapporteurs office? (E. g. personal data on the following).
  • 9.3. Coordination of anti-trafficking activities on a national level.
    In 2007 National Coordinator was appointed
    In 2005 National anti-trafficking task force for coordination of implementation of measures provided in national action plan was established. It composes from representatives from different ministries involved in implementation of national anti-trafficking action plan. Also, representatives form Prosecutor General office, law enforcement agencies etc. 
  • 9.4. National Reports. 
    • 9.4.1. Annual reports.
      Two kinds of national reports are prepared: one is prepared by the Ministry of Interior. The aim is to report to Government how national anti-trafficking action plan is implemented (every half of year); the other one is prepared by independent NGO, to evaluate constantly THB situation in Lithuania.
    • 9.4.2. Reports based on a longer period. Please describe period length and state why this specific period of time was chosen.
      Report for years 2005–2008 - main goal of this report is to evaluate the implementation of the Programme for the Prevention and Control of Trafficking in Human Beings for 2005-2008.
  • 9.5. Preparation and evaluation of the National Action Plans. 
    • 9.5.1.To whom are the above mentioned documents submitted?
      National action plan is approved by the resolution of the Government of Republic of Lithuania.
    • 9.5.2. Who approves these documents?
      National action plan is approved by the resolution of the Government of Republic of Lithuania.
    • 9.5.3. Who enforces the actions stipulated by the documents?
      All governmental institutions involved in to the implementation of national action plan (Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Health, Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior, Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior, State Border Guars service under the Ministry of the Interior, Law Institute etc.)
  • 9.6. International cooperation in the majority of the above mentioned areas.
    Yes. International cooperation plays an important part in the anti-trafficking policy. It is exercised through Interpol, Europol channels. Also, Lithuanian representatives are active in the Council of the Baltic Sea States experts group against Trafficking in Human Beings. In October 2007 high level international conference “Preventing Trafficking in Human Beings: Challenges and Solutions” was jointly organized by OSCE and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.


Stanislovas Liutkevicius
Secretary of the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Lithuania
Sventaragio str, 2, LT-01510
Vilnius, Lithuania

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