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  1. Generally
  2. Excerpt from the questionnaire
  3. Contacts

9. What are the main tasks and responsibilities of the National Rapporteur in your country?

  • 9.1. Monitoring and analyses of the situation, trends and possible threads.
    The State Police is the responsible law enforcement institution for these tasks.
  • 9.2. Collection of data on THB.
    The Ministry of the Interior collects available information from different state institutions and non-governmental organizations. The Ministry of the Interior provides the unitary exchange of information by filling various questionnaires, requests for information etc.
    • 9.2.1.   There is a central collection of a statistical data on THB and the data is received from various stakeholders.
      Yes, the Ministry of the Interior is a responsible body for the collection of statistical data.
      •          If yes, please provide information on the nature of the stakeholders. (E. g. Ministry of Justice, Police, Labour Inspectors, Embassies, NGOs, etc.). 

        The Ministry of the Interior receives information from:
      • The State Police – the State Police prepares annual report, which contains information about following indicators of combating the trafficking in human beings according Article 154’ Criminal Law of the Republic of Latvia “Trafficking in human beings”; entered into force on May 23, 2002, Article 165’ Criminal Law of the Republic of Latvia “Sending persons for sexual exploitation”, Article 166 Criminal Law of the Republic of Latvia “Violation of Provisions Regarding Importation, Production and Distribution of Pornographic or Erotic Materials”; entered into force on May 18, 2000.
      • The General Prosecutor’s Office – provides information about number of prosecuted criminal cases.
      • The Ministry of Welfare – provides information about number of persons receiving state-funded rehabilitation services.
      • NGOs – provide information about victims of trafficking in human beings (profile of victims – age group, education, occupation, marital status). 
    • 9.2.2.    Is some of the data collected directly by the National Rapporteurs office? (E. g. personal data on the following).
      •         victims
      •         investigated persons
      •         convicted persons
      •         any other relevant data 
        The Ministry of the Interior is coordinating authority of collection all the data on trafficking in human beings.
  • 9.3. Coordination of anti-trafficking activities on a national level.
    The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Welfare coordinate anti-trafficking activities on a national level.
  • 9.4. National Reports.
    • 9.4.1.    Annual reports.
      The Ministry of the Interior each year prepares an informative report “On the implementation of the State Programme for Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings”. The State Police prepares annual report on the activities of the State Police in the field of combating the trafficking in human beings (this report is for service use).
    • 9.4.2.    Reports based on a longer period. Please describe period length and state why this specific period of time was chosen.
      No reports based on a longer period has been made.
  • 9.5. Preparation and evaluation of the National Action Plans. 
    The Ministry of the Interior in collaboration with the law enforcement institutions (State Police, State Border Guard), Citizenship and Migration Board, the General Prosecutor’s Office, respective ministries (the Ministry of Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), non-governmental organizations elaborates the State Programme (the National Action Plan) for definite time period (5 years) and each year prepares an informative report “On the implementation of the State Programme for Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings”.
    At present the Ministry of the Interior finalizes the elaboration and harmonization of the Programme for the Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings 2009-2013.
    • 9.5.1.   To whom are the above mentioned documents submitted?
      The Ministry of the Interior submits the above mentioned documents to the Cabinet of Ministers (the Government).
    • 9.5.2.   Who approves these documents?
      The elaborated State Programme (the National Action Plan) and annual informative reports are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers (the Government).
    • 9.5.3.   Who enforces the actions stipulated by the documents?
      According the State Programme (the National Action Plan) the responsible institution (organization) for implementation of each stated activity is appointed. The Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Welfare, the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economics are nominated as the responsible institutions for the implementation of the activities stated in the Programme for the Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings 2009-2013.
  • 9.6. International cooperation in the majority of the above mentioned areas.
    The State Police cooperates with Interpol, Europol and with competent institutions of other countries bilaterally.
    The Ministry of the Interior as a coordinating body provides the exchange of information and implementation of various activities within the bilateral cooperation; OSCE; Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings in the framework of Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS).

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