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  • Generally
  • Excerpt from the questionnaire
  • Contacts


Flag Of Finland Flag Of Finland
There has been established National Rapporteur in Finland; it is operational since 1 January 2009.The task was given to the Ombudsman for Minorities, who is an independent actor. Specific legislation to this effect was introduced and came into effect 1 Jan 2009.
The National Rapporteur is independent and participates in the national coordinating committee as an observer. NR also has a right to receive all information needed from authorities and also, with some restrictions, from NGOs involved in activities against THB.
The reason, why Ombudsman for Minorities was appointed to become NR is, that it was more practical and less time-consuming to give the task to an already existing independent organ, who already has in many ways comparable activities (supervising the legality of actions by authorities and others, collecting information, assisting victims) and has good access to even classified information.
The tasks were incorporated through legal amendments in the law governing the Ombudsman´s activities. Resources continue to be discussed with the “host” Ministry, Ministry for the Interior.
The financial and also human resources come from the Ministry for the Interior. A permanent position of a Senior Expert has been established in the National Rapporteurs/ Ombudsman´s Office for this purpose. 
The actual activities have not commenced yet. It is true that the instruments are “soft”, recommendations, suggestions etc., and it remains to be seen to which effect they will be respected in practice. So far the Government has had a very positive attitude towards the new function. The proposal to establish a post of a NR was initiated through a Governmental Action Plan on THB in 2008.

Excerpt from the questionnaire

9. What are the main tasks and responsibilities of the National Rapporteur in your country?
  • 9.1. Monitoring and analyses of the situation, trends and possible threads.
  • 9.2. Collection of data on THB.
    • 9.2.1.    There is a central collection of a statistical data on THB and the data is received from various stakeholders.
      No, the NR will try to collect data.
      •          If yes, please provide information on the nature of the stakeholders. (E. g. Ministry of Justice, Police, Labour Inspectors, Embassies, NGOs, etc.). 
        The idea is to collect info from various stake-holders, including different authorities and NGOs. So all those mentioned. 
    • 9.2.2.     Is some of the data collected directly by the National Rapporteurs office? (E. g. personal data on the following).
      •         victims
        To some extent yes.
      •         investigated persons
        To some extent yes.
      • persons
        So far no experience of this
      •         any other relevant data 
  • 9.3. Coordination of anti-trafficking activities on a national level.
  • 9.4. National Reports.
    • 9.4.1.     Annual reports.
      The NR will produce and annual report (present it to the Government).
    • 9.4.2.     Reports based on a longer period. Please describe period length and state why this specific period of time was chosen.
      Once in 4 years, the NR will report directly to the Parliament, as the procedure for parliamentary reporting is quite heavy
  • 9.5. Preparation and evaluation of the National Action Plans.
    • 9.5.1.    To whom are the above mentioned documents submitted?
      Published after approval by the Government
    • 9.5.2.    Who approves these documents?
      Government/ Council of Ministers
    • 9.5.3.    Who enforces the actions stipulated by the documents?
      Various Ministries.
  • 9.6. International cooperation in the majority of the above mentioned areas.
    The NR will actively participate in networking also internationally.



National Rapporteur/ Ombudsman for Minorities:
Johanna Suurpää
PL 26 / Mikonkatu 25
00023 Valtioneuvosto
Tel: 358 - 9- 1604 3445
Senior Expert on trafficking
Venla Roth
PL 26 / Mikonkatu 25
00023 Valtioneuvosto
tel. 358 - 9 - 1604 3481

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