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  1. Generally
  2. Excerpt from the questionnaire
  3. Contacts

9.      What are the main tasks and responsibilities of the National Rapporteur in your country?

  • 9.1. Monitoring and analyses of the situation, trends and possible threads.
    The main tasks of the NR are related to the national development plan (,  (co-ordination of the implementation) and in addition all ad hoc questions that need to be solved. Also writing the report on the implementation of the national development plan, in 2008 writing an analysis on different measures for preventing THB in foreign countries, writing the overview of the statistics and crime trends related to THB (annual brochure/book of the Criminal Statistics and Analysis Division), sharing information (researches, analyses, funding, events, conferences, programmes etc), in 2009: creating/improving the system of gathering data related to the victims of THB.
    National coordinator also adds new researches to the Ministry’s web-page ( or to the web-page of crime prevention ( ).
  • 9.2. Collection of data on THB.
    • 9.2.1.    There is a central collection of a statistical data on THB and the data is received from various stakeholders.
      The main statistical data comes from the register of criminal proceedings (and of court proceedings/cases). Providing overview of this statistics/data is the role of the division, where the national coordinator works at (Criminal Statistics and Analysis Division at the Ministry of Justice) . Data is also gathered via researches, annual overviews (from the Border Guard, Police, Migration Board etc), shelter for the victims of THB.
    • 9.2.2.     If yes, please provide information on the nature of the stakeholders. (E. g. Ministry of Justice, Police, Labour Inspectors, Embassies, NGOs, etc.).
      National Coordinator itself (as the Ministry of Justice) or herself (as the coordinator) is one of the stakeholders.
    • 9.2.3.     Is some of the data collected directly by the National Rapporteurs office? (E. g. personal data on the following).
      •         victims
      •         investigated persons
      •         convicted persons
      •         any other relevant data
        Punishments, gender/age/citizenship etc of traffickers, geography of the crime, etc. 
  • 9.3. Coordination of anti-trafficking activities on a national level.
  • 9.4. National Reports.
    Each year the evaluation report on the implementation of the national development plan is composed and presented to the Government (by the end of March) for approval each year. All members of the national network (around 30-40 organizations, 60-70 members) are involved in this process:
    In order to obtain an up-to-date overview of compliance with the Development Plan, the situation in carrying out the Plan shall be assessed each year. For such purpose, the relevant Ministries (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Social Affairs) must prepare a summary on implementation of the measures and activities within their corresponding areas of responsibility and submit the summary to the Ministry of Justice by 1 February of the next year at the latest. The Ministry of Justice shall prepare a summary on implementation of the measures and activities within its area of responsibility. Based on the received summaries, a round table will be organised at the initiative of the Ministry of Justice, uniting specialists engaged in the combat against human trafficking employed by the Ministries, and research and social services agencies. Representatives of non-profit associations will be involved in the deliberations of the summary.

    Based on the annual summaries and round table discussions, the Ministry of Justice shall prepare a report on the implementation of the Development Plan. The report shall be submitted to the Government of the Republic for approval by the latest in March of each year.

    The annual round table meeting shall decide whether the Development Plan needs to be amended in the area of measures or activities. Where necessary, proposals for amendment of the Development Plan shall be submitted to the Government together with the annual report on implementation of the Development Plan.

    For preparation of the final report on implementation of the Development Plan, each Ministry shall submit, by 1 February 2010 at the latest, a report to the Ministry of Justice concerning the implementation of the measures and activities in their areas of responsibility during the entire period of the Development Plan. The summaries submitted by the Ministries shall be discussed at the final round table meeting of the Development Plan organised at the initiative of the Ministry of Justice in which specialists engaged in the combat against human trafficking employed by the Ministries, and research and social services agencies as well as representatives of non-profit associations will participate.

    Based on the recapitulative conclusions of the Ministries as well as on the discussions of the round table, the Ministry of Justice shall prepare the final report of the Development Plan. The final report shall be coordinated beforehand with the relevant Ministries (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and non-profit associations. By 15 March 2010 at the latest, the Ministry of Justice shall submit the final report to the Government of the Republic for approval.
    • 9.4.1.     Annual reports.
    • 9.4.2.     Reports based on a longer period. Please describe period length and state why this specific period of time was chosen.
      No reports based on a longer period have been written so far. The first such report will be written in 2009 – the final report of the existing development plan.
  • 9.5. Preparation and evaluation of the National Action Plans. 
    See the questions above.
    • 9.5.1.    To whom are the above mentioned documents submitted?
    • 9.5.2.    Who approves these documents?
    • 9.5.3.    Who enforces the actions stipulated by the documents?
      The national coordinator will coordinate the new ideas generated on the basis of each annual report. Each year new activities have been added to the national development plan – it has been a vivid document. The Government has to approve also the amended version of the national development plan each year. In 2007 and 2008, Government has approved the amended version of the National development plan.
  • 9.6. International cooperation in the majority of the above mentioned areas.
    National coordinator has participated in the following projects:
    Nordic-Baltic Pilot Project “to Support Women Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings for Sexual Expolitation”, Equal project “Integration of Women Involved in Prostitution Into the Labour Market”, CBSS The Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings.
  • 9.7. Other – please introduce briefly.
    Commented the working documents of the EU project, led by the Ministry of Interior of Austria and IOM Vienna: “Development of guidelines for the collection of data on trafficking in human beings, including comparable indicators”. Presented the national development plan at various meetings in St Petersburg, Riga, Vilnius, Helsinki, Tallinn.

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