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The Combating of Trafficking and Exploitation of Persons and the Protection of Victims Law of 2007 [N. 83(I)/2007], came into force on 13/7/2007. The new Law replaced the Combating of Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Exploitation of Children Law of 2000 (3(I)/2000). The scope of the new Law is to fully harmonise the national legislation with the European Acquis as well as to better implement the Council of Europe and UN relevant Conventions and Protocols, especially the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, supplementing the UN Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime. This Law covers all aspects of trafficking such as exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery and the removal of organs. It has specific provisions for the prevention of trafficking, for the identification and protection of the victims and for the prosecution of those involved in trafficking.

According to the aforementioned Law, the Minister of Interior is the national co-ordinator for combating trafficking in human beings. Also according to the Law, a multidisciplinary co-ordination group was established with the task to take all the necessary measures for combating trafficking and exploitation of human beings and to protect the victims. The National co-ordinator is the head of the multidisciplinary co-ordinating group
The established mechanism (multidisciplinary co-ordinating group) provides the framework for the close co-operation between all competent Authorities of the Republic of Cyprus (police, law office, Ministries, etc) and also with the NGOs. All members provide the group of their views, experiences and expertise in the decision making procedures.
Members of the multidisciplinary co-ordinating group are also the Law Office of the Republic, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Justice and Public Order, the Police, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, the Department of Labour, the Social Welfare Services, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Civil Registry and Migration Department, the Asylum Service, the National Machinery for the Rights of Women and two NGOs
There are provisions in the budget of the Ministry of Interior for the activities of the multidisciplinary co-ordinating group (awareness raising campaigns, seminars, etc.).
All members of the multidisciplinary co-ordinating group are directly involved in the activities mentioned above. More persons are involved in the practical implementation of the decisions of the group and there is a will of further empowerment of some of this authorities.
According to the law, the multidisciplinary co-ordinating group must prepare and submit to the Council of Ministers an annual report on the implementation of the Law, the situation in the Republic and on international level in reference with the provisions of the Law. This report is submitted to the House of Representatives for information purposes, after it is approved by the Council of Ministers.
It is under the competency of the multidisciplinary co-ordinating group to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the National Action Plan as well as to revise it, when necessary.
Together with the annual report the revised Action Plan is submitted to the Council of Ministers for approval and upon this approval is submitted to the House of Representatives for information purposes.
It is under the competency of the multidisciplinary co-ordinating group to co-operate with the countries of origin, transit or other destination countries of victims, to provide protection to the victims and to develop the mechanisms for combating the offences described in the Law, both on national and international level.
The multidisciplinary co-ordinating group is, also, is responsible for the monitoring and analysis of developments of international law, in the areas falling under the scope of the Law.



 Ministry of Interior,
CY – 1453,Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel.: + 357 22 867 600 / + 357 22 867 733 / + 357 22 867 722
Fax: + 357 22 867 838

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