Psychologická pomoc - doporučení našich zahraničních partnerů (COVID-19)
v anglickém jazyce:
- ITA: Guidelines for adults: Self-protection for adults
- ITA: Suggestions and guidelines for the elderly
- ITA: Guidelines for first responders: Self-protection for first responders and health professionals
- ITA: Telephone support - First responder’s guide
- GBR: Support and advice for schools and parents/carers (British Psychological Society) (pdf, 137 kB)
- GBR: Psychological wellbeing of healthcare staff (BPS)
- GBR: BLOG – Taking care of our Essential Workers
- GBR: At a Loss
- GBR: Irish Hospice Foundation
- GBR: Grieving in exceptional times (pdf, 1,8 MB)
- GBR: Acknowledging and coping with grief from a COVID-19 death (pdf, 433 kB)
- GBR: Helping children grieve during COVID-19 restrictions (pdf, 7 MB)
- ISR: Pro zahraniční studenty - A practical guide to dealing with the psychological effects of Corona (pdf, 846 kB)
- ISR: Advice for parents on dealing with corona virus (pdf, 622 kB)
- ISR: Psychosocial support for medical teams (pdf, 399 kB)
- ISR: Psychosocial support for teams working with elderly (pdf, 570 kB)
- ISR: Remote therapeutic intervention (pdf, 521 kB)
- ISR: Psychosocial advice to patients (pdf, 250 kB)
- NOR: Taking care of employees (for food stores and other service personnel)
- NOR: How to cope with quarantine / isolation
- NOR: What can we say to children about Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
- NOR: Living with grief during the corona era
- BEL: Worthy goodbye from a distance (pdf, 900 kB)
v německém jazyce
- AUT: Berufsverband Österreichischer PsychologInnen - Informationen zum Coronavirus (+ various languages)
- DEU: Psychosoziale Aspekte der Corona-Krise
- DEU: Material in German (zip, 2,3 MB)
v arabském jazyce:
- ISR: Advice for parents on dealing with corona virus (pdf, 1,2 MB)
- ISR: Psychosocial advice to patients (pdf, 450 kB)
- ISR: Remote therapeutic intervention (pdf, 511 kB)
- ISR: Letter to TEENS (pdf, 409 kB)
- ISR: Psychosocial support for teams working with elderly abroad (pdf, 192 kB)
- ISR: Managing teams psychosocial support (pdf, 626 kB)
- NOR: Communicating with children about Covid-19
ve slovenském jazyce:
- ISR: Informace pro pacienta s koronavirem/COVID19 (slovenský překlad ISR letáku) (pdf, 168 kB)
ve španělském jazyce:
- NOR: Qué podemos decir a los/as niños/as sobre el Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- ESP: GUÍA CORONAVIRUS 4.0 (pdf, 822 kB)