Prezentace a materiály z workshopů
Materiály z workshopů k projektu Identifikace potřeb poskytovatelů zdravotnické první pomoci při katastrofách (NMFR)
Workshop 3: Právo a etika
V této části naleznete v originální podobě prezentace a další materiály, které byly v rámci pracovních setkání k projektu "Identifikace potřeb poskytovatelů zdravotnické první pomoci při katastrofách" uvedeny při workshpu, který zpracovával právní, etické a sociální aspekty katastrof. Materiály jsou určené ke studijním účelům odborné veřejnosti.
- Ethics - Final presentation (pdf, 51 kB)
- CARLO PETRINI - Ethical Implications of disaster preparedness and first response: a public health perspective (pdf, 1,12 MB)
- CORNEEL BELLANGER - NATO specific considerations on disaster preparedness and first response (pdf, 160 kB)
- DAVID ALEXANDER - Myths and Misconceptions about Disaster and their Implications for Emergency Response (pdf, 12,2 MB)
- JAMES JAMES - Medical and Public Health at the Crossroad of National Health Security (pdf, 6,24 MB)
- JEANMARC VAN GYSEGHEM - Health emergency towards data protection or health emergency and privacy: paradoxical or not? (pdf, 653 kB)
- KOBI PELEG - Are we giving the same priority of treatment in MCI for Children, adults and Elderlies? (pdf, 1,58 MB)
- LAURA E.PACIFICI - Changing priorities in the management of early and late phase emergency response. Case studies from recent complex emergency managed by Red Cross (pdf, 7,67 MB)
- LENNART MALMSTROM - Triage - a presentation of one model (pdf, 1,16 MB)
- MANFRED GREEN - Ethical and Legal Issues Associated with Infectious Disease Emergencies (pdf, 653 kB)
- MARC GUERRIER - Example of Influenza Pandemic Preparedness: obvious and hidden issues on priority setting and triage (pdf, 2,01 MB)
- MICHAEL COLVARD - The Role of the Allied Health Professional in Disaster Response in the United States (pdf, 616 kB)
- NIKOLAOS STILIANAKIS -Epidemiological Modeling, surveillance and web-based information systems: tools for public health decision making (pdf, 829 kB)
- PALOMA REY PATERNA - Post disaster management (pdf, 1,4 MB)
- PIERLUIGI INGRASSIA - Ethical considerations in research in the aftermath of disaster (pdf, 1,01 MB)
- RAFFAELLA RAVINETTO - Triage and priorization of care in humanitarian medical emergencies (pdf, 359 kB)
- RENZO PEGORARO - Disasters and Climate Change: the ethical context (pdf, 611 kB)
- ROUHBAN BADAOUI - Disaster Risk Reduction: UNESCO’s Role (pdf, 5,1 MB)
- SERGIO STERPONE - Future R&D in training and human impact for MFRs (pdf, 778 kB)
- SIMON LANGDON - Priorities in First Medical Response – the Golden Hour and Beyond (pdf, 785 kB)
- TOBY MERLIN - Pandemic Influenza: Special Considerations for Medical First Responders (pdf, 4,4 MB)
- TOM SORRELL - Emergency ethics: first responders (pdf, 77 kB)
- VINCENZO MARTINES - Navy Medicine and Natural Disasters (pdf, 4,4 MB)
Všechny prezentace z Workshopu 3 (zip, 49,6 MB)