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Export, import and transfer authorisation under the Directive 91/477/EEC

An authorisation for the permanent export, permanent import and transit of firearms and/or ammunition 

An authorisation for the permanent export of firearms and ammunition is a permit for the permanent export of firearms of categories A, B or C and/or ammunition from the Czech Republic. The consent of the state to which firearms and/or ammunition are to be exported is required. Special regulations applying to such cases are not prejudiced (Section 44 (1) of the Act on Firearms).

An authorisation for the permanent import of firearms and/or ammunition is a permit for the permanent import of firearms of categories A, B or C and/or ammunition from the Czech Republic. Special regulations applying to such cases are not prejudiced. At the same time such an instrument is a consent to the possessing of firearms of categories A, B or C determined for export from the Czech Republic (Section 45 (1) of the Act on Firearms).

An authorisation for transit is a permit to temporarily import, hold or carry in the Czech Republic a firearm of category A, B or C and/or ammunition for such firearm. Special regulations applying to such cases are not prejudiced (Section 46 (1) of the Act on Firearms).

An authorisation for the permanent export, permanent import and transit of firearms and/or ammunition is a public deed (Section 51 (1) of the Act on Firearms).

An application may be lodged by:

  • an individual (a natural person) – a firearm certificate holder
  • a legal or natural person - firearm licence holder
  • a foreign national (within the meaning of the provisions of Section 1 (2) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll.)

The authority competent to issue an authorisation examines the conditions in which the export, import or transit of firearms or ammunition are implemented, in particular with regard to security (Section 51 (4) of the Act on Firearms).

An authorisation for the permanent export of firearms or ammunition under the application on the prescribed form (Section 44 (3) and (4) of the Act on Firearms) is issued by:

  • a relevant police unit

For foreign nationals whose place of residence is not in the Czech Republic this is the police department which is competent according to the registered seat of business of the entrepreneur dealing in firearms and ammunition where firearms of categories A, B or C or ammunition will be purchased, or the place of residence or registered seat of the legal entity which is the current owner of a firearm of categories A, B or C or ammunition for it (Section 44 (3), of the Act on Firearms).

An authorisation for the permanent import of firearms or ammunition is issued on the basis of an application file on a prescribed form (Section 45 (3), and (4) of the Act on Firearms):

  • for firearm certificate or firearm licence holders this is the relevant police department or an embassy or a consulate of the Czech Republic abroad.

An authorisation for permanent transit of firearms and/or ammunition is issued on the basis of an application (Section 46 (3) of the Act on Firearms) by:

  • an embassy or a consulate of the Czech Republic or police presidium to natural or legal persons; 
  • a police department at the national border crossing point to natural or legal persons visiting the Czech Republic for the purpose of exercising hunting rights or participating in sports shooting contests, and to natural persons who are European firearm passport holders, unless the Act on Firearms stipulates otherwise.

If you wish to obtain an authorisation for the permanent export of firearms and/or ammunition you must submit the following documents:

  • an application completed on a prescribed form;
  • the consent of the relevant authorities of the country to which the firearms and/or ammunition are to be exported, translated into the Czech language by a translator included in the list of experts and interpreters. 

If you wish to obtain an authorisation for the import of firearms and/or ammunition you must submit the following documents:

  • an application completed on a prescribed form.

If you wish to obtain an authorisation for the transit of firearms and/or ammunition you must submit the following documents:

  • an application completed on a prescribed form;
  • an officially verified invitation for a hunter or an organiser of a sports event if the transit is performed for the purpose of exercising the right to hunt or for participation in a shooting contest; in other cases the applicant is obliged to state the reason for the transit of firearms and/or ammunition.


Application form for issuing an authorisation for permanent export, import, and transit of firearms and/or ammunition.

An applicant obtains an application form for issuing an authorisation for the permanent export, import, and transit of firearms and/or ammunition at any district (borough or city) Police Directorate; forms are also available at embassies and consulates of the Czech Republic abroad; forms are also published on the Ministry of the Interior’s website, however their hard copies must double-sided.

Application forms are defined by Decree No. 221/2017 Coll. on implementing some provisions of the Act on Firearms, Annex 16.


The amount of CZK 800 is charged for the issue of an authorisation for the permanent export, import or transit of firearms and/or ammunition.

Foreign nationals who arrive in the Czech Republic on the invitation of or with the consent of the Government of the Czech Republic or Parliament of the Czech Republic are exempted from fees. Further, persons who participate in an international contest, part of which is sport shooting, are also exempted from paying fees. An authorisation for the permanent export, import, and transit of firearms attained as prizes in shooting or similar contests are also exempted from paying fees. (Article 33 of the attachment to the Act No. 634/2004 Coll. on Administrative Fees)

 An administrative fee for issuing an authorisation for the permanent export, import, or transit of firearms and/or ammunition should be paid in Czech currency. It is payable either when the application is filed or later, however always before the authorisation is issued (Section 5 (2) of the Act on Administrative Fees).
Fees paid at the national border crossing points of the Czech Republic can be paid in foreign currency which is purchased by domestic banks using an FX rate cited by the Czech National Bank on the Friday of the week preceding the due date of the fixed amount fee (Section 6 (5) and (6) of the Act on Administrative Fee). Fees paid at Czech diplomatic missions and consular posts are paid in the currency of the country in which there is the seat of the embassy or consulate in question, using a relevant FX rate (Section 6 (4) of the Act on Administrative Fees).

Time Limits for Processing

Processing of an application for an authorisation is governed by Act No.  500/2004 Coll. Terms for taking a decision are regulated by Section 71 of the Act cited.

Other Time Limits

An authorisation for the permanent export, import or transit of firearms and/or ammunition is issued for a period during which the firearm, forbidden accessory to a firearm and/or ammunition will be in the Czech Republic, however, not for longer than for three months (Section 51 (4) of the Act on Firearms).
All persons who are to become the holder of a firearm of categories A, B or C and/or ammunition for such firearms under the authorisation for the permanent export of firearms and/or ammunition are obliged, not later than within five days after becoming the holder of the firearm of A, B or C category and/or ammunition to such firearm, to permanently export such firearm and/or ammunition out of the Czech Republic (Section 44 (6) of the Act on Firearms).
A holder of an authorisation for the permanent import of firearms and/or ammunition is obliged to report the import of a firearm of categories A, B or C and/or ammunition not later than within ten days of the date of crossing the national border of the Czech Republic (Section 45 (5) of the Act on Firearms).
Expiry of the validity of an authorisation for the permanent export, import or transit of firearms and/or ammunition is governed by the provisions Section 37 of the Act on Firearms.

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