Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic  


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New Protective Measure of the Ministry of Health

As of December 18th, 2020 the Ministry of Health Protective Measure regarding the entry of persons on the territory of the Czech Republic will be updated. From this date, it will be possible to travel to the Czech Republic only for essential reasons. 


Ministry of Health Protective Measure regarding the entry of persons on the territory of the Czech Republic (pdf, 91 kB)

This does not apply to the Czech citizens! As the free movement of persons in the territory is restricted it is not possible to arrive in order to visit friends or for recreation acitivies. Conditions for entry valid from 18 Decemter are here (pdf, 338 kB).

Omezení vstupu cizinců do ČR_29.12 - QR kód_EN.jpg


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