Information for schools and students
- Obligations of schools
- Obligations of students
- Types and purposes of applications
- Where and how to file an application
- Electronic confirmation of accommodation
- ERASMUS and the Fulbright scholarship programme
- Processing an application and issuing a decision
- Leaving for the CZ
- Communicating with the MOI (complaints, queries and attendance lists)
- Information leaflets for university students considering changes made by amendment to the Act. No 326/1999 Coll. on the Residence of Foreign Nationals with effect from July 31st, 2019
- Information about the possibilities of university studies in the Czech Republic
- Important practical information
Processing an application and issuing a decision
The processing of an application for a long-term visa for the purpose of “studies” and a long-term residence permit for the purpose of “studies” has a time limit of 60 days from filing the application §169t (2) and §169t(6) letter a (2) of the Act No. 326/1999 Coll. The legal deadline for processing an application for a long-term visa for the purpose of “other” is 90 days from filing the application. Only in particularly complicated cases is the time limit extended to 120 days from filing the application (§ 170/6 of the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic). Applications for extending existing long-term residence permits have a time limit of 30 days from filing the application.
According to § 24/1 of Act No. 561/2004 Coll. [1], a school year starts on September 1 and ends August 31 in the following calendar year. Thus, when transferring from one school to another, there is no time period in which the foreign national would not be meeting the purpose of a stay for “studies”. When transferring from a secondary school to a higher education establishment, such a period may arise, since, in accordance with § 52/2 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. [2], the rector of the higher education establishment decides on the start of the academic year and the academic year usually starts later than September 1. However not even the period from completing studies at secondary school, i.e. 31 August, until the moment the foreign national starts studies at the higher education establishment can be considered a period in which it would be possible to act against the foreign national in accordance with § 37/1/b of the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic (infringing residence authorization due to not meeting the purpose of stay). In the given time period, the foreign national will have a decision on enrolment to a higher education establishment, which is a document confirming the purpose of stay of "studies".
The period of validity of a long-term residence permit granted by the Ministry of Interior will:
be a period necessary to achieve the purpose requiring residence in the Czech Republic, shorter than 1 year,
be 1 year, if it is temporary residence for the purpose of study due to §64 letter a) or b) of the Act No. 326/1999Coll. with an expected stay period longer than 1 year,
be 2 years, of it is temporary residence made under the EU programs and multilateral programs involving mobility measures, or between two or more university institutions or institutions in another EU member State and institutions that have been authorized to pursue the activities of a university institution in the territory,
correspond to the period set out in a contract on voluntary services for youth in a domestic host organization, if it concerns a long-term residence permit for the purpose of “studies” in the Czech Republic in accordance with § 64 (f) of the Act No. 326/199 Coll,
The validity of the long-term residence permit for the purpose of “studies” in the Czech Republic (§ 42d) cannot be repeatedly extended. It does not apply,if it is long-term residence permit issued for the purpose of unremunerated language or professional training, it can only be extended once. The validity of long-term residence permit for the purpose of study at university can be extended repeatly, but always for maximum of 2 years.
A long-term visa is issued with a validity until to 1 year and a permitted visa period corresponding to the documents presented.
A validity of period of stay and visa in the territory, that is shorter than 1 year will be repeatedly extended under the condition that the purpose for granting the visa is still the same, the maximum period of 1 year. If the foreign national residing on a long-term visa in the Czech Republic intends to temporarily reside for a period longer than 1 year and the purpose of stay is still the same, he/she is eligible to apply for a long-term residence permit in the Czech Republic.
[1] Act on preschool, primary, secondary, higher vocational and other education (the School Act), as amended