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The ministerial Troika EU – Ukraine met in Luxembourg

Luxembourg, 3rd June - The ministerial Troika EU – Ukraine on the level of Ministers of the Interior and Justice met in Luxembourg. The EU was represented by the Minister Martin Pecina, the Minister of Justice Daniela Kovářová, the Director General of the European Commission's Justice, Freedom and Security department and the representatives of Eurojust and Frontex. Sweden was also represented as a country whose presidency starts in July. The Ukrainian delegation was lead by the Minister of Justice Mykola Oniščuk and the Deputy Minister of the Interior Vasyl Marmazov. Discussed topics included fight against corruption and organized crime (drugs, human trafficking, money laundering), migration and asylum and the visa policy. Martin Pecina stated: “The area of justice, freedom and security in the key part of our partnership, we face common challenges in mobility and security”. 

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