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Conference Prevention and Fight Against Human Trafficking

Pilsen, 3rd June - The expert conference Prevention and fight against human trafficking was held in the Congress center Parkhotel in Pilsen as a part of the Czech Presidency on Wednesday June 3rd. The conference was organized by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. Representatives from Finland, Sweden and the USA participated at the conference. The Czech presidency was represented by the Head of Crime Prevention Department Jitka Gjuričová. Organized crime – human trafficking is one of the priorities for the presidency. The goal of the expert conference was to inform each other about the best practice and preventive measures in every EU member stat and the USA in the discussed matter. The conference was opened by the First Deputy Minister col.Jiří Komorous, the Director of the Alien Police col.Vladislav Husák and the Head of Crime Prevention Department Jitka Gjuričová. 

Stránkování: Number of photos: 8 / 1 | 1 |

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