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Czech Presidency helps remove further barriers – this time in eGovernment

Hradec Králové, 7th April – An international conference on “eID and Public Registers” was held as part of the 12th annual ISSS Conference (Internet in the Public Administration and Self-government). The objective of the “eID and Public Registers” conference was above all to strengthen the interoperability of national systems so that the services provided by eGovernment could be accessed from anywhere in Europe, regardless of state borders. By helping to remove obstacles that hinder the use of electronic services provided by public administration - the “eGovernment” - across the Member States, the Czech Presidency has taken another step towards a “Europe without barriers”. 

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Fabio Colasanti, EK 

Fabio Colasanti, EK


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JUDr. Zdeněk Němec 

JUDr. Zdeněk Němec


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Ministr vnitra Ivan Langer 

Ministr vnitra Ivan Langer


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