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Meeting of the EU – TTE Council

Brussels, 31st March - The meeting of the EU TTE Council for the area of telecommunication involving the ministers for transport, telecommunication and energy took place on Tuesday. The minister of the Interior Ivan Langer presided over the meeting. “We had a very successful Council. We adopted the conclusions on an accessible information society and agreed that modern information and telecommunication technologies can be one of the means of leading the EU out of the economic downturn. The economic crisis is also a chance for Europe, particularly when it comes to modern technologies,” said Interior Minister Ivan Langer. 

Stránkování: Number of photos: 6 / 1 | 1 |

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Delegace z Číny 

Delegace z Číny


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Náměstkyně pro evropské záležitosti vpra... 

Náměstkyně pro evropské záležitosti vpravo


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Podpis protokolu 

Podpis protokolu


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Viviane Reding, Ivan Langer 

Viviane Reding, Ivan Langer


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