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Working visit to the USA

Washington, 17th March 2009 - The minister of the Interior of Czech Republic Ivan Langer and the vice-chairman of the European Commission Jacques Barrot visited between the 16th and 17th of March the USA. „The main goal of our visit to the USA was exchange and acquisition of information. We were especially concerned in the visa policy, international protection of children, fight against illegal content on the internet, transatlantic cooperation and reciprocal legal aid. This trip can be an opportunity for meeting the new American administrative. We wanted to found out in which areas can Europe help the United States and on the other hand what USA can do for Europe in the field of internal security,” said the minister of the Interior Ivan Langer. 

Stránkování: Number of photos: 4 / 1 | 1 |

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ministr vnitra Ivan langer a místopředse... 

ministr vnitra Ivan langer a místopředseda Evropské komise Jacques Barrot na společné tiskové konferenci


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Ministr vnitra Ivan langer a místopředse... 

Ministr vnitra Ivan langer a místopředseda Evropské komise Jacques Barrot na společné tiskové konferenci 2


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Živý vstup do České televize 1 

Živý vstup do České televize 1


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Živý vstup do České televize 2 

Živý vstup do České televize 2


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