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An Informal meeting with the USA

Prague, 6th February - The informal meeting between the EU and the USA took place in Prague on 5th and 6th February. The subjects of the meeting were topics of a long-term cooperation between the EU and the USA. The participants discussed topics of the missing children warning system (so-called Child Alert), the question of abusing the Internet to help extremism and terrorism and at the end they debated the information about new developments in the area of the visa policy and securing the borders. One of the points of this meeting was also the preparation for the meeting of Troika, which will take place in April 2009, in Prague.  

Stránkování: Number of photos: 4 / 1 | 1 |

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Delegace ze Švédska 

Delegace ze Švédska


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Skupinové foto 

Skupinové foto


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Zástupci USA 

Zástupci USA


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