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The symposium "Creating Opportunities – Integration, Employment and Social Mobility"

Berlin, 26th January - An international symposium called “Creating Opportunities – Integration, Employment and Social Mobility: European Experiences and Scope for Manoeuvre“ took place in Berlin. The Czech Republic was represented by Deputy Minister of the Interior for European Affairs Lenka Ptáčková Melicharová and the director of the Department of Asylum and Migration Tomáš Haišman. 

Stránkování: Number of photos: 4 / 1 | 1 |

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Lenka Ptáčková Melicharová a Tomáš Haiš... 

Lenka  Ptáčková Melicharová a Tomáš Haišman


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Sympozium 1 

Sympozium 1


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Sympozium 2 

Sympozium 2


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Sympozium 3 

Sympozium 3


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