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A meeting of european directors of a public administration

Prague, 16th - 18th June 2009 – The meeting of Troika DG took place on 16th June in order to coordinate CZ PRES in EUPAN network with the presence of France, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Spain. In the two following days took place the 52th meeting of chiefs executive responsible for public administration in the EU countries. During this meeting were presnted the succeses of the czech presidency and the future of EUPAN has been discussed. The countries of the EU, Norway and the representants of OECD, EGPA and EIPA took part in this meeting. The meeting was the last one during the Czech Presidency in the section of public administration of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.  

Stránkování: Number of photos: 15 / 2 | 1 2 |

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Při závěrečném proslovu 

Při závěrečném proslovu


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Terezínský sál Břevnovského kláštera 

Terezínský sál Břevnovského kláštera


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Úvodní slovo druhého dne 

Úvodní slovo druhého dne


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Zástupce Francie 

Zástupce Francie


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Zástupci Rakouska 

Zástupci Rakouska


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Zástupci Rumunska 

Zástupci Rumunska


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Zdeněk Zajíček 

Zdeněk Zajíček


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