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EU admits biofuel target problems II.

Brush Up Your English (slovníček) 

The problem also is increasing water scarcity which would lead to negative impacts on the world's poor, in line with earlier studies by a number of experts on the issue.

Biofuels are made of the same products as fossil fuels - plants, trees and animal waste - except they can be produced straight from the product unlike fossil fuels that have been processed over millions of years.


scarcity – nedostatek poor – chuddy earlier – dřívější a number of – hodně, větší počet issue – problematika to be made of – vyrábět se z plants – rostliny waste – odpad except – kromě straight – přímo unlike – narozdíl od to process – vyrábět

Agricultural products grown for making biofuel include corn, soybeans, rapeseed and others.
In reaction, EU environment commissioner Stavros Dimas suggested the pending guidelines should be altered, saying it would be better to miss the biofuels target than to hurt the poor or damage the environment.
"We have seen that the environmental problems caused by biofuels and also the social problems are bigger than we thought they were. So we have to move very carefully," Mr Dimas told the BBC.
"We have to have criteria for sustainability, including social and environmental issues, because there are some benefits from biofuels," he added.


grown – pěstovaný to include – zahrnovat, obsahovat corn – obilí, pšenice, kukuřice rapeseed – řepkové semeno environment – životní prostředí to suggest – navrhnout pending – nevyřízený, časově blízký, očekávaný guideline – směrnice to alter – změnit to miss – promeškat, nesplnit to hurt – zranit to damage – poškodit to cause – způsobit bigger – větší carefully – opatrně sustainability – udržitelnost including –včetně issue – problematika benefit – výhoda to add – dodat.

Last September, the EU's plan to boost the use of biofuels as part of wider plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions received a serious blow from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), grouping the world's 30 most developed countries.
The Paris-based body argues that state subsidies for biofuels could lead to food price hikes and damage to forests and natural habitats while its impact in terms of the fight against climate change may only be limited.
A similar conclusion is expected today (14 January) when the Royal Society, the UK's academy of science, publishes a major review of biofuels.

to boost – podpořit use – použití as part – jako součást wider – širší to reduce – snížit greenhouse gas – skleníkové plyny to receive – dostat, obdržet blow – rána to group – sdružovat developed – rozvinuté Paris-based – se sídlem v Paříži body – organizace, organ subsidy – podpora price hike – zvýšení cen damage – poškození, zničení forest – les while – zatímco impact – dopad interms of – měřený v (jednotkách) fight – boj

similar – podobný conclusion – závěr to expect – očekávat science – věda major – hlavní, zásadní.

Markéta Frýbová

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