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1st International Workshop EUNAD

1. mezinárodní workshop EUNAD 


Videa z konference: 









Presentations - word format

1-Goals of the konference (docx, 15 kB)
2-Background of the EUNAD project (docx, 587 kB)
3-Introduction to the EUNAD project (doc, 77 kB)
4-Crisis management for deaf people in Denmark (docx, 20 kB)
5-Excercise of Disability and Decontamination (docx, 2,9 MB)
6-EnRiCH project_Community Partnerships for Disaster Planning (docx, 2 MB)
7-ENRICH project_New initiative for inclusivedisaster preparedness_article (docx, 20 kB)
8-CZ Outcomes_local workshop_Visual Impairment (doc, 239 kB)
9-Nor Outcomes_local workshop_Visual Impairment (docx, 2 MB)
11-References_literature (doc, 232 kB)
12-Qualitative study on hearing impairment_DK (docx, 157 kB)
13-Qualitative study on visual impairment_Norway (docx, 25 kB)
14-OPSIC project (docx, 343 kB)
15-Experience from Israel (docx, 24 kB)
16-Methodical DVD of FRS CZ (doc, 670 kB)
17-CZ Outcomes_local workshop_Hearing Impairment (doc, 225 kB)
18-Nor Outcomes_local workshop_Hearing Impairment (docx, 20 kB)
19-DK Outcomes_local workshop_Hearing Impairment (docx, 366 kB)

Presentations - PP format

1-Goals of the konference (pptx, 184 kB)
2-Background of the EUNAD project (pdf, 1,18 MB)
3a-Introduction to the EUNAD project (ppt, 2,17 MB)
3b-Introduction to the EUNAD project (pdf, 1,8 MB)
4-Crisis management for deaf people in Denmark (pdf, 583 kB)
5-Excercise of Disability and Decontamination (pdf, 2,64 MB)
6-EnRiCH project_Community Partnerships for Disaster Planning (pdf, 694 kB)
8-CZ Outcomes_local workshop_Visual Impairment (pptx, 94 kB)
9-Nor Outcomes_local workshop_Visual Impairment (pdf, 928 kB)
10-D_Outcomes_Local Workshop_Visual_Impaired (pdf, 285 kB)
11-Literature analysis (pptx, 71 kB)
14-OPISC project (pdf, 1,86 MB)
15-Experience from Israel (pdf, 896 kB)
16-Methodical DVD of FRS CZ (pps, 8,3 MB)
17-DK Outcomes_local workshop_Hearing Impairment (pptx, 807 kB)
18-Nor Outcomes_local workshop_Hearing Impairment (ppt, 517 kB)
19-D Outcomes_local workshop_Hearing Impairment (ppt, 621 kB)

Více fotek z konference si můžete stáhnout zde (zip, 3,45 MB). 


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