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Permanent residence


Permanent residence permit for persons with Czech origin

Foreign nationals that have proven Czech origins, may apply for a permanent residence permit for reasons worthy of consideration pursuant to § 66/1/b of the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals (pdf, 2 MB), without meeting the condition of prior continuous residence in the Czech Republic. The spouse or minor child of the given foreign national may also apply for the same kind of residence permit.

The application for permanent residence is submitted at a Czech Embassy abroad or, in certain cases, directly at the MOI office, if, for instance, you reside in the Czech Republic on the basis of being granted a visa for a stay of over 90 days or a long-term residence permit.

The following requirements must be submitted with the application:

  1. a travel document,

  2. Proof of Czech origin,

  3. 2 photographs,

  4. Proof of accommodation,

  5. Proof of funds,

  6. upon request a document similar to an extract from the Penal Register record,

  7. upon request a medical report,

  8. If the applicant is a minor child, submit the consent of a parent or any other statutory representative or guardian to the permanent residence of a child in the Czech Republic. Consent of a parent is not required, if the parent, statutory representative or guardian making the request for a child, will stay with a child in the territory and if foreign national proves that he / she is a unable to declare consent due to reasons beyond his / her control or if the child resides in the territory based on a long-term visa or a long-term residence permit for other purposes.

It is further necessary to supplement the application with a written substantiation, part of which shall be your curriculum vitae, in which you give other reasons worthy of consideration for your application for a permanent residence permit apart from Czech origins. Here is a scheme for elaborating the substantiation and the curriculum vitae. The spouse or minor child of an applicant further submits a document confirming the relationship with the applicant and a notarised copy or original of the confirmation of his belonging to the Czech community.

The requirements for the application shall not be older than 180 days except for the travel document, the birth certificate, the marriage certificate and the photograph of the foreign national if it corresponds to his/her actual appearance.


Department for Asylum and Migration Policy, October 23rd, 2023

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