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Opening of the international MEPA course

Vienna, 9th - 10th March. The solemn opening of the three-month main course MEPA (Central European Police College, the international project of eight European countries) was held in Vienna. During the course participants go round eight European stations. During they journey they learn the different ways and methods to combat serious and organized crime, and together elaborate a case study, which is then used at the national level to teach in the police schools and for the needs of the relevant police departments. After the opening the subsequent meeting of the MEPA Board Director took place. The Czech Republic was represented by the director of Education and Administration of the Police Education JUDr.Helena Tomková and the Head of the International Police Training Department Mgr. Karin Jancyková. 

Stránkování: Počet fotografií: 1 / 1 | 1 |

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