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Turkish Minister of the Interior Beşir Atalay appreciated an invitation to the Informal Meeting of EU Council

As part of the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs on January 16th the Czech Minister of the Interior Ivan Langer met the Turkish Minister of the Interior Beşir Atalay. The Turkish minister wanted to express gratitude for inviting a non-member country to the the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs.  

Stránkování: Počet fotografií: 2 / 1 | 1 |

Odkazy do noveho okna

Ministři během jednání 

Ministři během jednání


Detailní náhled

Turecký ministr vnitra Beşir Atalay 

Turecký ministr vnitra Beşir Atalay


Detailní náhled

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