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Slovenian Presidency I.

Brush Up Your English (Slovníček) 

The priorities of the Slovenian Presidency were to a large extent determined in the 18-month Programme of the German, Portuguese and Slovenian Presidencies and in the Survey of the Inherited Agenda of the EU Council. The five main priorities of Slovenian presidency are:

  • The future of the Union and timely entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty

After signing the Lisbon Treaty on 13 December 2007, efforts of all Member States will need to be concentrated on successful completion of ratification procedures in 2008 to allow the new Treaty to enter into force before the next elections to the European Parliament in 2009. Slovenia wants to set a good example for other Member States by ratifying it no later than at the beginning of 2008.

presidency – předsednictví (Evropské Unie) to a large extend – do značné miry to determine – určit survey – výzkum inherited – přejatý, zděděný council – rada timely – včasný entry – vstup into force – v platnost to sign – podepsat effort – snaha successful – úspěšný completion – dokončení to allow – dovolit to set - stanovit (neprav. slov: set, set, set) no later than – nejpozději

  • Successful launching of the new Lisbon Strategy cycle

Lisbon Strategy is one of key priorities of the Slovenian Presidency. We look forward to launching the second cycle of the renewed Lisbon Strategy at the Spring European Council. The Strategy is starting to deliver benefits in terms of increased jobs and growth, and therefore does not need radical changes to priorities or processes. However, we must focus our efforts on implementation. The key to success will be continuing the process and smooth transition into the next cycle.

to launch – spustit, odstartovat key – klíčový to look forward to – těšit se renewed – obnovený to deliver – přinášet in terms of – pokud jde o, co se týká increased – zvýšený growth – růst therefore – proto however – nicméně to focus on - soustředit (se) na effort – snaha implementation – uskutečnění, zavedení, provedení smooth – hladký transition - přechod

Our aim is to make it a strong cycle, which will be capable of mobilising and empowering European citizens. The Integrated Guidelines strike a delicate balance, and should remain broadly unchanged for the second cycle (2008-2010). We believe the focus should remain on four priority areas of the Lisbon Strategy: investment in research, knowledge and innovation, development of a competitive business environment, adaptation of labour market and response to demographic challenges, as well as energy policy and climate change.

aim – cíl to be capable of – být schopen čeho to empower – posílit guidelines – směrnice to strike a balance – bilancovat, držet rovnováhu to remain – zůstat broadly – do velké míry, široce investment – investice knowledge – znalosti development – vývoj competitive – konkurenceschopný labour market – trh práce response – odpověď challenge- výzva as well as – stejně jako climate change – klimatické změny.

Text: Markéta Frýbová

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