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Conditions for entry to the Czech Republic valid from November 9th, 2020

As of Monday of November 9th, 2020 there is in force a new Ministry of Health Protective Measure which regulates the entry of persons to the Czech Republic. The new measure reacts to the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 infection and coordination at the EU level. The consequent epidemiological measures and restrictions are applicable both to the Czech citizens returning to the Czech Republic and to all foreign nationals. 


A mechanism for evaluation of epidemiological situation of individual EU Member State is a novelty. Based on established criteria the list of countries with a low risk of COVID-19 incidents will be updated regularly.

Countries are divided into three categories: green, orange and red. The list is defined by a notice of the Ministry of Health and will include green and orange countries.

Green - travellers from these countries (both foreign nationals and Czech citizens) may enter without the obligation to fill in the Public Health Passenger Locator Form and without the obligation to undergo the PCR test or quarantine.

Orange - travellers from these countries may enter without the obligation to fill in the Public Health Passenger Locator Form. Those foreign nationals travelling to the Czech Republic for the work or study purpose are be obliged to submit a negative PCR test result prior to entry to workplace or an educational institution in the Czech Republic. This applies only to foreign nationals.

Red - travellers from these countries (both foreign nationals and Czech citizens) must fill in the Public Health Passenger Locator Form prior to entry to the Czech Republic and undergo the PCR test or quarantine after the entry.

Evaluations of the EU+ countries are done in accordance with the EU Council Recommendations based on three main criteria: 14-day incidence (the total number of newly notified COVID-19 cases per 100 000 populations in the last 14 days), test positivity rate (the percentage of positive tests among all tests for COVID-19 infection carried out during the last week), and testing rate (the number of tests for COVID-19 infection per 100 000 populations carried out during the last week; this rate must be at least 300 per 100 000 populations). The data are provided by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

Those EU+ countries that notify the 14-day incidence at the level of maximum 25 and the test positivity rate at the level of maximum 4 % shall be included in the list as green countries. Those EU+ countries that notify the 14-day incidence at the level of maximum 250 and the test positivity rate at the level above 4 % or they notify the 14-day incidence between 25-350 and the test positivity rate at least at the level of 4 % shall be included in the list as orange countries. All countries that are not included in the list shall be automatically considered to be red countries (including the countries outside of the EU).

Citizens of third countries, meaning of countries outside of the EU+, continue to be banned from entry to the territory of the Czech Republic, apart from the listed exceptions, in accordance with the EU coordinated approach. Conditions for entry and categories of persons that are eligible to entry are regulated by the new Protective Measure. The conditions for entry are found at the MoI website.

CAUTION: The Crisis Measure restricting free movement of persons in the territory of the Czech Republic is in force and therefore besides the abovementioned conditions it is possible to travel to the Czech Republic only in absolutely necessary cases. This applies likewise to arrivals from green countries. All persons entering the Czech Republic must observe the rules of free movement restrictions.



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