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Czech Presidency of the EU - News

Press releases and photos about current activities of the Ministry of Interior and its representatives during the Czech Presidency of the EU 

  • June 2009
  • May 2009
  • April 2009
  • March 2009
  • February 2009
  • January 2009

June 2009

June 2009

Deputies of member statesDeputies of member states


  • Prague, 29th June 2009 – The meeting of the representatives of the Ministry of the Interior with the deputies of the embassies of the EU member states took  place on the occasion of the end of the Czech Presidency in the Council of the European Union. The Interior Minister Martin Pecina reminded there  the most important moments of the Czech Presidency and the deputy of the Swedish embassy Rolf Ericsson outlined the ideas of upcoming Swedish Presidency.
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Troika meetingTroika meeting


  • Prague, 16th - 18th June 2009 – The meeting of Troika DG took place on 16th June in order to coordinate  CZ PRES in EUPAN network with the presence of  France, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Spain.  In the two following days  took place the 52th meeting of chiefs executive responsible for public administration in the EU countries. During this meeting were presnted the succeses of the czech presidency  and   the future of EUPAN has been discussed. The countries of the EU, Norway and the representants of OECD, EGPA and EIPA took part in this meeting. The meeting was the last one during the Czech Presidency in the section of public administration of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
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The conferenceThe conference


  • Berlin, June 2009 - The conference about indicators and experience with the monitoring of the integration policies in the EU member countries took place in Berlin as a Germany´s iniciative. The Czech Deputy Minister of the Interior Lenka Ptáčková Melicharová gave a speech at the conferece because the support of setting up indicators is one of the priorities of the Czech presidency in the area of integration of foreigners. The conference is considered as a very succesful one thanks to expressing the will to overcome the differences in the approach of the member countries as well as an attempt to setup the basic set of indicators of integration in EU.

Friends of VISFriends of VIS


  • Prague, 12th June 2009 – The meeting of a workgroup Friends of VIS took place at the Ministry of the Interior. The group deals with the preparation of the Visa Information System (VIS). Representatives from the EU member countries, Norway, Switzerland and the European Commission took part in the meeting. The workgroup recapitulated the state of the preparation of the VIS project in the all member countries and the EC as well and confirmed 21st December 2009 as a date of launching the VIS. The group also discussed the matter of the information campaign and VIS training.
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JHA CouncilJHA Council

  • Luxembourg, 4th June - The last meeting of the JHA council chaired by the Czech presidency took part in Luxembourg. The Minister of the Interior Martin Pecina stated: “I can gladly announce that we have today managed to find an agreement in solving very difficult topics. We have determined the next course of the SIS system and we adopted conclusions about the exchange of information about accepting released from the Guantanamo facility. We have also discussed the illegal migration in the Mediterranean, first asylum package and European asylum support office."
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GreetingsTroika EU Ukraine

  • Luxembourg, 3rd June - The ministerial Troika EU – Ukraine on the level of Ministers of the Interior and Justice met in Luxembourg. The EU was represented by the Minister Martin Pecina, the Minister of Justice Daniela Kovářová, the Director General of the European Commission's Justice, Freedom and Security department and the representatives of Eurojust and Frontex. Sweden was also represented as a country whose presidency starts in July. The Ukrainian delegation was lead by the Minister of Justice Mykola Oniščuk and the Deputy Minister of the Interior Vasyl Marmazov. Discussed topics included fight against corruption and organized crime (drugs, human trafficking, money laundering), migration and asylum and the visa policy. Martin Pecina stated: “The area of justice, freedom and security in the key part of our partnership, we face common challenges in mobility and security”.
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Conference in PilsenConference in Pilsen

  • Pilsen, 3rd June - The expert conference Prevention and fight against human trafficking was held in the Congress center Parkhotel in Pilsen as a part of the Czech Presidency on Wednesday June 3rd. The conference was organized by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. Representatives from Finland, Sweden and the USA participated at the conference. The Czech presidency was represented by the Head of Crime Prevention Department Jitka Gjuričová. Organized crime – human trafficking is one of the priorities for the presidency. The goal of the expert conference was to inform each other about the best practice and preventive measures in every EU member stat and the USA in the discussed matter. The conference was opened by the First Deputy Minister col.Jiří Komorous, the Director of the Alien Police col.Vladislav Husák and the Head of Crime Prevention Department Jitka Gjuričová.
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May 2009

May 2009 

G8 MeetingG8 Meeting

  • Rome, 28th–30th May 2009 – A meeting of G8 Ministers of the Interior and Justice took place in Rome.The Czech Republic was represented by Minister of the Interior Martin Pecina and the Minister of Justice Daniela Kolářová. Meetings of the Ministers of the Interior and Justice have taken place regularly once a year since 1997. The participants are the USA, the Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada and Russia. The representants of the EU Council, the Ministers of the Interior and Justice of a presiding country of the EU and the Secretary General of Interpol are also invited to this meeting.
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Participants of MEPA courseParticipants of MEPA course

  • Budapest, 28th – 29th May 2009 – During the  ending of the three-month main course MEPA 2009 (Central European Police College, the international project of eight European countries), which was devoted to organized crime, was held the meeting of the Board MEPA. The defense of the case study on the topic of child  pornography was a part of the solemn closing. The Czech Republic was represented by the director of Education and Administration of the Police Education JUDr.Helena Tomková, who is a member of the top authorities of MEPA – the Board and the Trustees, and the Head of the International Police Training Department Mgr. Karin Jancyková. The Observer from the Czech Republic also was Executive Director of the section of Social and Health Security and Professional Training Ing. Mgr. Miroslav Kroc.
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CEPOL Board MeetingCEPOL Board Meeting

  • Český Krumlov, 26th-27th May 2009 – The 16th CEPOL Governing Board Meeting took place. The meeting was chaired by JUDr. Helena Tomková, the Director of Education and Police Schools Administration Department of the Czech Ministry of the Interior. It was attended by 80 delegates from EU member countries, EU associated countries, deputies of the Council of EU, the European Commission and Europol. The main topics of discussion were oncoming education and training activities, the modernization of structures of the Agency, the budget for the year 2010, the evaluation report for the year 2008 and finally the managment of the Secretariat of the Agency. The deputies of the Council of EU and of the European Commission highly appreciated the open approach and the ability to solve problems by CZ PRESS. During this meeting the Director of the Secretariat of CEPOL announced his resignation on 1st January 2010.
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Conference on Child Alert SystemsConference on Child
Alert Systems

  • Prague, 19th May - Conference on Child Alert Systems. The conference was opened by Czech Interior Minister Martin Pecina. “The theme of child alert systems is closely related to one of the Czech Presidency priorities – ‘an open and safe Europe’. The number of children who go missing is increasing not only in the Czech Republic, but in the whole of Europe. This problem must be dealt with in a comprehensive way at European level, particularly in view of the almost unlimited freedom of movement in Europe”, said Interior Minister Pecina. 
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  • Kaliningrad, 14th-15th May 2009 – The EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council Summit attended by Ministers of the Interior and Justice Ministers was held in Kaliningrad, Russia. EU was represented by the Czech Minister of the Interior Martin Pecina, Czech Minister of Justice Daniela Kovářová, Director General of the European Commission's Justice, Freedom and Security Department Jonathan Faull, Director of Europol Robert Wainwright and representatives of Frontex and Eurojust. The Sweden, which takes over the Presidency of EU after Czech Republic, was represented by Beatrice Ask, Minister for Justice, and Tobias Billström, Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy. The Russian delegation was led by Alexander Konovalov, Minister for Justice and Russian representative for cooperation with the European Union in the field of freedom, security and justice, and the Minister of Interior Rashid Nurgaliev.
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Martin Pecina and Viviane RedingMartin Pecina and Viviane Reding

  • Prague, 11th May 2009 – The Minister of the Interior Martin Pecina and the Minister of Industry and Trade Vladimír Tošovský met the Commissioner for information society and media Viviane Reding. Martin Pecina hasinformed her for example about the conferences “eID and public registers” and “Safer Internet for Children” that were organized by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic and thanked her for a fruitful cooperation. They also discussed the preparations of the TTE council taking place in Luxembourg on June 12th 2009.
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  • Bramshill, 7th May 2009 – In the seat of the European educational agency CEPOL (European Police College) in Bramshill, Great Britain, there was held the 15th Strategy Committee meeting. The meeting was chaired by JUDr. Helena Tomková, the director of Education and Police Schools Administration Department of the Czech Ministry of the Interior. This Commission is composed of the representatives of the states which chaired or will chair the Presidency of EU. A participant in the discussion was also the president of the CEPOL Training and Research Committee. The other participants were the representatives of CEPOL Secretariat headed by the director. The main topics were points from meeting of Budget and Administration Committee and „enlarged“ Troika. The Director of Department chaired this meeting in the second half of April. The topics were for example financial managment agencies, the results of managment for the year 2008 and one of the main priorities – the new structure of the agency.
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Informal meeting at ZbirohInformal meeting at Zbiroh

  • Zbiroh, 5th-6th May 2009 – An informal meeting of the Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum took place at the Castle of Zbiroh in the Czech Republic. After the Council of Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs and the COREPER II, this Committee is the highest level of the Council where issues of migration, asylum and protection of external borders are discussed. Although this Committee usually meets regularly in Brussels, it has become a tradition for this Committee to meet once during a Presidency on an informal basis in the presiding country. This informal meeting is a good opportunity to discuss serious and strategic issues at high level, but also a possibility for the presiding country to show others a bit of its tradition and culture.
    Press release
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April 2009

April 2009  


  • Tallinn, 27th-28th April 2009 – Under the patronage of CZ PRES, the EU Ministerial Conference on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection took place. The leader of the Czech Presidency delegation was represented by Mgr. Lenka Ptáčková Melicharová, Deputy Minister for European Affairs. In her speech, the Deputy Minister compared the protection of critical information infrastructures to the protection of health that should be focused on three primary areas: prevention, diagnostics and treatment. 
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  • Prague, 28th and 29th April 2009 -  The official meeting of working group of European Forum of Official Gazette for Indexing and Search took place in the representational areal Spiritka. The representatives of the Legislative and Legal Regulation Coordination Department and representatives of many publication offices took part in this meeting. The European Forum of Official Gazette was established in the year 2004 and its aim is an exchange of the ideas and information about publication process, technologies and well-proven methods between office publishers. The other meeting of the working group will take place in June 2009 in Luxembourg.
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Troika meeting

  •  Prague, 28th April 2009 – A meeting of Ministerial Troika took place at Palace of Liechtenstein.
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  • Prague, 27th April 2009 - A bilateral meeting between the Czech Republic and Bosnia-Herzegovina took place at hotel Intercontinental at 11,30 am. The main topic of the meeting was visa liberalization.
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 Signing the memorandum

  • Prague, 27th April 2009 – A bilateral meeting between the Czech Republic and Macedonia took place at hotel Intercontinental at 10 am. The Macedonian Ministry of the Interior Gordana Jankuloska and the Czech minister of the Interior Ivan Langer signed a memorandum about understanding.
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  • Prague, 28th April 2009 - CZ PRESs NEWS No 8. has just been realeased. The latest issue of the newsletter of the Ministry of the Interior brings you an article about the conference "Safer Internet for Children" and a report from Integration Forum. You can also find there an interview with JUDr. Radim Vypušťák, Director of the International Relations Department. And one of the priorities of the Ministry of the Interior - Priority No.8: Civil Protection - is presented there.

  • Prague, April 27th-28th - Ministerial conference Building Migration Partnership.
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    Text of the declaration

Minister Langer during the speechMinister Langer during the speech

  • Prague, 20 th April - The Czech Ministry of Interior in cooperation with the European Commission, organized a ministerial conference „Safer Internet for Children – fighting together against illegal content and conduct on-line”. The Czech Republic was represented by the Minister of Interior Ivan Langer and the Police President Oldřich Martinů. The conference was dedicated to the process of improving cooperation of all stakeholders in the field of promoting safer internet and mobile communications, especially for children. To conclude with, participants adopted the Prague Declaration (pdf, 99 kB).
    See the press release
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CZPRESs NEWS No. 7 overview CZ PRESs NEWS No. 7

  • Prague, 15th April – The seventh issue of the newsletter CZ PRESs News containing information about the events related with the Czech Presidency came out today. The highlights of this issue are the Justice and Home Affairs Council Meeting in Luxembourg where new Europol director was elected and the Conference of EU’s National Rapporteurs for People Trafficking which took place in Prague. You can as well read about another priority of the Ministry of the Interior for the Presidency, this time it is the “Fight against terrorism and organized crime”. And as usually, our newsletter interviewed one of the ministerial directors of departments – today it is Director of the Presidency and the European Union Coordination Department Kateřina FlaigováClick here to see more.

Fabio ColasantiFabio Colasanti

  • Hradec Králové, 7th April – An international conference on “eID and Public Registers” was held as part of the 12th annual ISSS Conference (Internet in the Public Administration and Self-government). The objective of the “eID and Public Registers” conference was above all to strengthen the interoperability of national systems so that the services provided by eGovernment could be accessed from anywhere in Europe, regardless of state borders. By helping to remove obstacles that hinder the use of electronic services provided by public administration - the “eGovernment” - across the Member States, the Czech Presidency has taken another step towards a “Europe without barriers”. 
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March 2009

March 2009

Meeting of the EU – TTE CouncilMeeting of the EU – TTE Council

  • Brussels, 31st March - The meeting of the EU TTE Council for the area of telecommunication involving the ministers for transport, telecommunication and energy took place on Tuesday. The minister of the Interior Ivan Langer presided over the meeting. “We had a very successful Council. We adopted the conclusions on an accessible information society and agreed that modern information and telecommunication technologies can be one of the means of leading the EU out of the economic downturn. The economic crisis is also a chance for Europe, particularly when it comes to modern technologies,” said Interior Minister Ivan Langer.
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Ministr Ivan Langer v ZürichuMinister Ivan Langer in Zurichu

  • Zurich, 27th March - The Minister of the Interior Ivan Langer, the Swiss president Hans-Rudolf Merz and the Deputy Chairman of the European Council Jacques Barrot took part in celebrations of finishing the entry of Switzerland into the Schengen area.
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CZPRESs NEWS No. 6 overview CZ PRESs NEWS No. 6

  • Prague, 31st March - In the last newsletter (CZ PRESs NEWS No. 6) you can find an article about the Czech minister of the Interior Ivan Langer and his visit to the USA. Next article is a report from the meeting of EU commission on drugs that took place in Vienna. The priority number 6 for the Czech presidency, Police cooperation, is also introduced. The interview is also connected with meeting in Vienna and drugs – the interviewed person is Dr. Tomáš Zábranský, Adviser of the Minister of the Interior for Drug Issues. Click here to see more.




  • Prague, 25th March - The Deputy Minister of the Interior for European Affairs Lenka Ptáčková Melicharová met on Wednesday March 25th the Portuguese Ambassador José Júlio Pereira Gomes. It was a complimentary meeting on the occasion of Mr.Gomes´s inauguration in the Czech Republic (October 2008). The priorities of the Czech presidency and agenda of the JHA council meeting on April 6th were briefly discussed during the meeting.
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Meeting with Mr.HaradaMeeting with Mr.Harada

  • Prague, 24th March - The Czech Deputy Minister of the Interior for European Affairs, Lenka Ptáčková Melicharová, today met the Ambassador of Japan Chikahito Harada. The courtesy meeting took place on the occasion of the introduction Mr. Harada to the office in the Czech Republic (since October 2008).The priorities of the Czech presidency were also briefly discussed during this meeting.
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Press conferencePress conference

  • Washington, 17th March 2009 - The minister of the Interior of Czech Republic Ivan Langer and the vice-chairman of the European Commission Jacques Barrot visited between the 16th and 17th of March the USA. „The main goal of our visit to the USA was exchange and acquisition of information. We were especially concerned in the visa policy, international protection of children, fight against illegal content on the internet, transatlantic cooperation and reciprocal legal aid. This trip can be an opportunity for meeting the new American administrative. We wanted to found out in which areas can Europe help the United States and on the other hand what USA can do for Europe in the field of internal security,” said the minister of the Interior Ivan Langer.
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  • Prague, 16th March - The fifth issue of the newsletter CZ PRESs News containing information about the events related with the Czech Presidency came out today. The highlights of this issue are a conference in Belgian Bruges where preparation of the Stockholm program was discussed and the topic of Switzerland becoming the 25th state of the common Schengen area. You will as well read about the priority of the Ministry of the Interior for the Presidency, this time it is the “Schengen cooperation, border control and visa policy”. And as usually, our newsletter interviewed one of the ministerial directors of departments – today it is the Director of the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy Tomáš Haišman. Click here to see more.


Minister Langer and Ambassador KammerMinister Langer and
Ambassador Kammer

  • Prague, 12th March - The Interior Minister Ivan Langer met  the Ambassador of Switzerland  Jean François Kammer. During their meeting minister Langer obtained the official invitation of the Swiss government  for a ceremonious act, which will be hold by occasion of entry of Swiss Confederation to Schengen.
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Meeting of the MEPA BoardMeeting of the MEPA Board

  • Vienna, 9th - 10th March. The solemn opening of the three-month main course MEPA (Central European Police College, the international project of eight European countries) was held in Vienna. During the course participants go round eight European stations. During they journey they learn the different ways and methods to combat serious and organized crime, and together elaborate a case study, which is then used at the national level to teach in the police schools and for the needs of the relevant police departments.
    After the opening the subsequent meeting of the MEPA Board Director took place. The Czech Republic was represented by the director of Education and Administration of the Police Education JUDr.Helena Tomková and the Head of the International Police Training Department Mgr. Karin Jancyková.
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Ivan Langer and Roberto Maroni Ivan Langer and Roberto Maroni

  • Beograd, 5th March 2009 - The minister of the Interior Ivan Langer took part in the ministerial conference on the topic of achieving goals in the field of security in the South-Eastern Europe area.
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Meeting in BrugesMeeting in Bruges

  • Bruges, 4th March 2009 - Delegation of the Ministry of the Interior, led by the minister Ivan Langer attended a conference in Bruges. The theme of the meeting was "Preparation of the Program of Stockholm, a strategic agenda of the JHA" and the whole conference was done under the mandate of the 3 presidencies - French, Czech and Swedish.
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CZ PRESs NEWS No.4 overview CZ PRESs NEWS No. 4

  • Prague, 2nd March – The forth issue of the CZ PRESs NEWS newsletter containing information about the events connected with the Czech Presidency came out today. The first article brings news from JHA meeting in Brussels where SIS II and Guantanamo were discussed. The second article informs about The Conference on Data Collection and People Trafficking which took place in Vienna.  As usual newsletter presents a priority of the Ministry of the Interior for the Presidency. This time it is complementary and flexible migration policy. In this issue we interviewed the Director of the Security Policy Department Martin Linhart. Click here to read.

February 2009

February 2009


  • Brussels, 25th February 2009 - The Czech Presidency in cooperation with the European Commision organized a working-seminar about the use of the Passenger Name Record in the fight against the illegal migration. During this event the Czech Republic, Spain and Great Britain presented their experience with the practical use of analysis of the information about the passengers for protecting the borders. The seminar was attended by the members of the 19 EU member states, Switzerland and the Frontex, and it achieved positive critics among the participants. Those in it appreciated the possibility of getting the information necessary for the implementation of the solution required for the collection and analysis of the Passenger Name Record on the national level.
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1. Společné foto Family photo of CEPOL Board 

  • Prague,23rd– 24th February  2009 - The 15th meeting of the Governing Board of the CEPOL (European Police College) took place in Prague. It was attended by the members of the European Commission and the EUROPOL and it was led by the director of the Czech Department of the Police Education JUDr. Helena Tomková. The main points of the discussion were the planned educational and training activities of the CEPOL, the modernization of the structure of the agency and the proposal of the agency budget for the year 2010.
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Working-seminar in BrusselsSeminar in Brussels

  • Brussels, 25th February - The Czech Presidency in cooperation with the European Commision organized a working-seminar about the use of the Passenger Name Record in the fight against the illegal migration. During this event the Czech Republic, Spain and Great Britain presented their experience with the practical use of analysis of the information about the passengers for protecting the borders. The seminar was attended by the members of the 19 EU member states, Switzerland and the Frontex, and it achieved positive critics among the participants. Those in it appreciated the possibility of getting the information necessary for the implementation of the solution required for the collection and analysis of the Passenger Name Record on the national level. The Czech Presidency was represented by the deputies of the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior, deputies of the Security Policy Department and by the members of the headquarters of the Czech Alien Police Service.
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Konference ve Vídni Participants 

  • Vienna, 23rd February - The conference on “Guidelines for the Collection of Data on Trafficking in Human Beings, Including Comparable Indicators” took place on 23rd February. The Czech Republic was represented by the Czech Interior Minister, Ivan Langer, and the employees of the Security Policy Department of the Ministry of the Interior. Jacques Barrot, Vice-President of the European Commission, and the Ministers of the Interior or Justice from some EU member states took also part in the discussion.
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Bilaterální jednání - Vídeň Bilateral Talks - Vienna

  • Vienna, 23rd February - The bilateral talks between the Czech Minister of the Interior, Ivan Langer, and the Austrian Federal Minister of the Interior, Maria Fekter, took place on the 23rd February. They addressed the issue of Schengen Information System II (SIS II), especially the form of the cooperation for implementation of the Czech Presidency plan.
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Turkey Turkey

  • Turkey, 16th and 17th February 2009 - The Second Preparatory meeting for Ministerial Conference “Building Migration Partnerships” took place in Antalya, Turkey. The living and fruitful discussion conducted during the meeting dramatically improved quality of the draft declaration based on the Prague Preparatory gathering. The number of delegates as well as participating countries has even grown up to 101 delegates from 51 states and international organisations. Such a rich participation shows a positive approach of the involved states to the Czech initiative.
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    For more information

CZ PRESs NEWS No.3 overviewCZ PRESs NEWS No. 3

  • Prague, 16th February - The latest issue of the CZ PRESs NEWS newsletter informing about the events connected with the Czech Presidency has just come out. You can read a report from the Informal Meeting of the EU and the USA where the main topic was the long-term cooperation between the EU and the USA and a report from the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) Meeting.  It also contains an introduction to the one of the priorities of the Ministry of the Interior for the Presidency – the Rational Drug Policy. You should not miss an interview with the Head of Crime Prevention Department Jitka Gjuričová.
    Download here (pdf, 753 kB)


Úvodní prezentace pro hodnotící tým Members of the commission

  • Switzerland, 9 -13 February 2009, the fulfillment of the Schengen standards at Swiss international airports was being evaluated as a precondition for the abolition of border checks at internal Schengen flights. This Schengen evaluation re-visit was carried out by a team of 15 Member States experts - including the Czech Republic. Its main goal was to verify fulfillment of recommendations arising from previous evaluation in August 2008 which concern various aspects of air border control, especially infrastructure of airports and border control procedure. In case of a positive result of this evaluation, integration of Switzerland into Schengen area will be completed on 29 March 2009, thus concluding process of abolishing border checks launched on 12 December 2008 with lifting border checks on persons at Swiss land borders. The minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic Ivan Langer will inform his colleagues about the findings on the meeting of the JHA which will take place 26.2. 2009.
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  • Prague, 6th February - The informal meeting between the EU and the USA took place in Prague on 5th and 6th February. The subjects of the meeting were topics of a long-term cooperation between the EU and the USA. The participants discussed topics of the missing children warning system (so-called Child Alert), the question of abusing the Internet to help extremism and terrorism and at the end they debated the information about new developments in the area of the visa policy and securing the borders. One of the points of this meeting was also the preparation for the meeting of Troika, which will take place in April 2009, in Prague.
    Press release
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Participants of CEPOL Strategy Comitee meetingParticipants of CEPOL
Strategy Comitee meeting

  • Prague, 5th February - The meeting of Strategy Committee CEPOL (European Police College) took place on February 5th. The main topics included especially an annual programme, a new structure of agency and proposals to this structure. Suggestions were discussed at the meeting of broader Troika.
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Overvie of the hallOverview of the hall

  • The Castle of Zbiroh, 5th February – In the days of 3rd and 4th February meeting of the Board of the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN) took place at the Castle of Zbiroh. The board is a top organ of this institution and consists of national representatives at the position of policy makers from all the EU countries. The purpose of the meeting is to become acquainted with analysis of actual situation in the area of organized crime inside Europe and finding preventative activities. The board meets on the principle of rotation, so in the first six months of the year 2009 it is the Czech Republic which presides. All agenda is in a competency of a Ministry of the Interior, Crime Prevention Department.
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Frontex meeting of executive council membersFrontex meeting of executive
council members

  • Prague, 4th February – Meeting of the executive council of Frontex (European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders) took place in The Prague Congress Centre. The Czech priorities in the area of internal affairs and border security were presented at this meeting. Frontex, the EU agency based in Warsaw, was created as a specialized and independent body tasked to coordinate the operational cooperation between Member States in the field of border security. The Czech Republic was represented by Col. Mgr. Vladislav Husák, the director of Police of the Czech Republic Foreign Police.
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  • Prague, 4th February - The second issue of a newsletter CZ PRESs NEWS focused on events and activities of the Ministry of the Interior during Czech Presidency has just been released. This time you can find there a report from the EU Parliament Committees in Brussels where Minister Ivan Langer introduced the priorities of the Ministry of the Interior, an interview with Deputy Minister, Lenka Ptáčková Melicharová and a presentation of one of our priorities – protection of children.
    Download here (pdf, 765 kB)


January 2009

January 2009   


Bilateral meetingBilateral meeting

  • Prague, 29th January -  Minister of the Interior Ivan Langer met the Serbian Minister of the Interior Ivica Dačić. In their discussion, they addressed such issues as visa liberalization, negotiation of an agreement on police cooperation or the priorities of the Ministry of the Interior during the Czech Presidency.
    Press release
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Symposium in BerlinSymposium in Berlin

  • Berlin, 26th January - an international symposium called “Creating Opportunities – Integration, Employment and Social Mobility: European Experiences and Scope for Manoeuvre“  took place in Berlin. The Czech Republic was represented by Deputy Minister of the Interior for European Affairs Lenka Ptáčková Melicharová and the director of the Department of Asylum and Migration Tomáš Haišman.
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Meeting with William SwingMeeting with William Swing

  • On 22nd January - Minister of the Interior Ivan Langer met the director of the International Organization for Migration, Mr. William. L. Swing this afternoon. They talked about the future of the IOM, situation of migration and possible  consequences of the financial crisis on the foreign workers in the Czech Republic.
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Meeting of director of the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy Tomáš Haišman with his Spanish counterpart Mr.Javier ElorzoMeeting of Director of the
Department of Asylum
and Migration Policy
Tomáš Haišman with his Spanish
counterpart Mr. Javier Elorza

  • Director of the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy Tomáš Haišman met today on  22th January the General Secretary for Migration and Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain, Mr. Javier Elorza. They discussed the topic of migration between EU and Latin America and between EU and Africa.
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ITRE meetingITRE meeting

  • Brussels, 21st January - Interior Minister Ivan Langer presented the priorities of the Ministry of the Interior during the Czech EU Presidency to European Parliament committees in Brussels. The presentation took place at the EP Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) and the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE).
    Press release
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CZ PRESs NEWS overview CZ PRESs NEWS No. 1 

  • The first issue of a newsletter CZ PRESs NEWS focused on events and activities of the Ministry of the Interior during Czech Presidency has just been released.
    Download here (pdf, 850 kB)




Bilateral meeting with Turkish minister AtalayBilateral meeting with
Turkish Minister Beşir Atalay

  • As part of the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs on January 16th the Czech Minister of the Interior Ivan Langer met the Turkish Minister of the Interior Beşir Atalay. The Turkish minister wanted to express gratitude for inviting a non-member country to the the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs. 
                                                                                                                                  See more photos




Discussion with Hungarian minister DraskovicsDiscussion with Hungarian
Minister Tibor Draskovics

  • On the second of the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs  the Czech Minister of the Interior had a meeting with the Hungarian Minister of Justice and Law Enforcement Tibor Draskovics.
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Meeting with Jack Straw Meeting with Jack Straw

  • During the Informal Meeting of Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs the meeting between the Czech Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Justice from Great Britain Jack Straw was held. The main topic was information strategy.
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Working brunchWorking brunch

  • On Friday 16th the Czech Minister of the Interior met the German Federal Minister of the Interior Wolfgang Schäuble and talked about SIS II.
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Ministři na jednání JHA - Ministers at JHA Meeting Ministers at JHA Meeting

  • Informal Meeting of Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs took place on Thursday January 15th in Prague. Besides the ministers from EU member countries, the representatives of Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia, Macedonia and Turkey also participated on the meeting in Congressional center in Prague. The Minister of the Interior Ivan Langer brought up several topics for discussion concerning the Czech priorities for the Presidency.

    Press release                                                                                                   See more photos


meeting(3) Bilateral meeting

  • Slovenian Minister of the Interior Katarina Kresal discussed with Minister Ivan Langer
    15th January 2009 - Bilateral meeting with presence of Slovenian Minister of the Interior Katarina Kresal and Minister Ivan Langer took place during Informal Meeting of Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs in Congressional center in Prague. They discussed the Schengen Information System(SIS II).
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Bilaterální jednání Working breakfast

  •  Working breakfast with Swedish Minister for Justice
    15th January 2009 - Minister Ivan Langer met Swedish Minister for Justice Beatrice Ask during working breakfast. They discussed the JHA, SIS II and modern technologies 
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Rakouská ministryně vnitra Fekter a Langer Ministers Maria Fekter
and Ivan Langer

  •  Meeting with Austrians on Schengen
    10:50 p.m., 14th January 2009 - Czech Minister of the Interior Ivan Langer met Austrian Federal Minister of the Interior Maria Fekter. They discussed, inter alia, the Schengen Information System (SIS II). 
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Jacques Barrot a Ivan Langer Vice President Jacques Barrot
and Minister Ivan Langer

  • Vice President of the European Commission Jacques Barrot in Prague
    10:15 p.m., 14th January 2009 – Czech Minister of the Interior, Ivan Langer met Vice President of the European Commission, Jacques Barrot. The subjects of their meeting were the Schengen Information System (SIS II) and another aspects of Schengen.  
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Vítání Ministers Knut Storberget
and Ivan Langer

  • Norwegian minister Knut Storberget discuss with minister Ivan Langer
    9:30 p.m., 14th January 2009 – Another meeting took place, this time with the Minister of Justice and the Police of Norway, Knut Storberget. They discussed the subject of priorities in the area of internal affairs, Norway funds and children's protection.  
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Bilaterální jednání s Makedonií Ministers Ivan Langer
and Gordana Jankuloska

  • Bilateral meeting with the Minister of Internal Affairs of Macedonia, Gordana Jankuloska
    7 p.m., 14th January 2009 - Czech Minister of the Interior Ivan Langer met his Macedonian counterpart Gordana Jankuloska at Corinthia Hotel. They discussed the subject of visa liberalisation. 
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  • Today, 13 January, Minister of Interior Ivan Langer has held a meeting in Strasbourg with a delegation of the European Parliament,  members of the LIBE (Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs). Ivan Langer brought to the attention of the members of the committee the main priorities of the Ministry of Interior during the Czech Presidency, some of which are the use of modern technologies for security reasons, international protection of children and rational anti-drug policy.



Discussing prioritiesDiscussing priorities

  • On the 8th of January Minister of the Interior met the ambassadors in Prague. On the meeting before the informal meeting of JHA, that is taking place in Prague on the 15th and 16th of January in Prague, gave the minister detailed information on particular topics of the informal meeting. They also discussed the recent issues in the internal affairs. 
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Meeting with journalistMeeting with journalists

  •  On the 8th of January 2009 Minister of the Interior Ivan Langer met the representatives of foreign media.

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Jacques Barrot Jacques Barrot

  • On the 7th of January 2009 minister of the Interior Ivan Langer met the vice-chairman of the European Commission Jacques Barrot.
    Minister Ivan Langer introduced the departmental priorities and the most important events of the Czech presidency of the Ministry of the Interior. As a part of this meeting they discussed the most significant legislative and non-legislative proposals in the area of internal affairs. 
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