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Medical Humanitarian Programme MEDEVAC

MEDEVAC is a permanent government programme of the Czech Republic, which focuses on providing medical care and assistance for vulnerable groups of persons in the countries affected by migration or burdened by a large number of refugees. The care provided is free of charge and exclusively for civilians - persons, who are in dire of such medical care or whose condition prevents them from leading a dignified life. 


MEDEVAC in 2015

Implementation of the MEDEVAC Programme in 2015

Under Government Resolution No. 45 dated 19 January 2015 on the continuation of the programme of humanitarian evacuations of inhabitants with health issues (MEDEVAC) in 2015, the Ministry of the Interior, in cooperation with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Health and Defence, was implementing the MEDEVAC Programme over the whole year 2015.

In 2015, the MEDEVAC Programme was introduced in its new general format that clearly defined areas of interest and activities of medical humanitarian missions for the whole year. This made it possible to improve planning and enable complex presence especially in the areas affected by war conflicts and/or a humanitarian disaster, e.g. in the Middle East and Ukraine.

In 2015, the MEDEVAC Programme was implemented through the following activities:

  1. deployment of Czech teams of doctors abroad
  2. medical humanitarian evacuations to the Czech Republic for treatment
  3. internships of medical staff from areas affected by a humanitarian crisis at Czech hospitals under the direct authority of the Ministry of Health
  4. financing of a complicated acute heart surgery in Jordan upon request of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (the "UNHCR")

Implementation of the MEDEVAC Programme in 2015

  • deployment of 12 medical teams abroad
  • 244 specialised surgical interventions carried out abroad
  • more than 500 specialised examinations with diagnostics
  • 33 non-invasive interventions abroad
  • organisation and performance of one complicated heart surgery abroad upon urgent request of the UNHCR
  • 3 reconnaissance trips abroad in order to prepare future MEDEVAC Programme missions in the given country
  • two medical humanitarian evacuations to the Czech Republic for treatment (10 patients + 3 statutory representatives)
  • two internships of medical staff from areas affected by a humanitarian crisis at Czech hospitals under the direct authority of the Ministry of Health (9 people)

In 2015 a total of 20 projects in the total amount of CZK 31,863,943.35 were performed as part of the MEDEVAC Programme.

In 2015, the Programme was activated in five countries, specifically in Jordan, Cambodia, Kenya, Republic of Iraq – the Iraqi Region of Kurdistan, and in Ukraine.

Annual Report 2015 (pdf, 2.47 MB)

Jordan / Motol University Hospital - Paediatric Heart Surgery (February 9th - February 19th, 2015)

A four-member team of doctors of the Children's Heart Centre of Motol University Hospital was deployed on its third mission within the MEDEVAC Programme (the first mission took place in 2013; the second was in 2014). In Jordan, the medical team focuses on surgeries in Syrian refugee children with congenital heart disease. At the Al Khalidi Medical Center in Jordan, the team operated ten Syrian children with congenital heart disease aged from three months to six years. All children survived and no serious complications occurred. On Tuesday 10 February, the Al Khalidi Medical Center was visited by Czech President Miloš Zeman during his business trip to Jordan. The president highly appreciated the Czech doctors and the MEDEVAC Programme.

Jordan / General University Hospital in Prague - Reconnaissance Trip (April 19th - April 24th, 2015)

A doctor from General University Hospital in Prague took part in a reconnaissance mission to Amman, Jordan, to prepare the deployment of a trauma team from the hospital. Of the total of 75 examined patients, fifteen patients were selected for the trauma team from General University Hospital in Prague and 25 patients for the orthopaedic team from Bulovka Hospital.

Jordan / Bulovka Hospital - Orthopaedics, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (May 6th - May 15th, 2015)

A five-member team from Bulovka Hospital specialising in paediatric orthopaedics and reconstructive surgery focused on surgeries in Syrian children and adults with acquired and congenital disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The orthopaedic team examined 35 patients with post-traumatic, congenital and degenerative defects of the musculoskeletal system. Fifteen patients were selected for a surgery, of which thirteen patients were actually operated. The plastic surgery team consulted 38 patients, of whom thirteen patients were selected for a surgery. Twelve patients were actually operated (complex defects, scar contractures, etc.). One surgery was performed in cooperation with the orthopaedic team. The medical team from Bulovka Hospital checked the follow-up care of these patients after the surgeries. Upon their departure, all operated patients were without any evident complications.

Jordan / Olomouc University Hospital - Reconnaissance Trip (May 16th - May 19th, 2015)

A two-member medical team from Olomouc University Hospital took part in a reconnaissance mission to Amman, Jordan, between 16 and 19 May 2015 in order to prepare a medical mission of Olomouc University Hospital to be held in September 2015. The team visited two hospitals in Jordan - the Al Khalidi Medical Center and Al Maqased Charity Hospital - where the doctors met the respective hospital management, looked around the operating theatres and discussed possible surgical interventions. They also met the representatives of the Czech Republic's embassy in Jordan. The reconnaissance mission was accompanied by a Jordanian medical expert of the MEDEVAC Programme who helped the Czech doctors become familiarised with the Jordanian healthcare infrastructure and with their talks with Jordanian hospitals. It was agreed that the doctors from Olomouc University Hospital would focus their September mission on trauma injuries.

Jordan / Hradec Králové University Hospital - Reconnaissance Trip (May 16th - May 20th, 2015)

Between 16 and 20 May 2015, members of the medical team from Hradec Králové University Hospital participated in a reconnaissance mission to Amman, Jordan, in order to prepare the Hradec Králové University Hospital mission to be held in October 2015.  Its aim was to find suitable forms of cooperation to provide humanitarian care in Jordanian hospitals. As part of this mission, the team visited two hospitals (Al Khalidi Medical Center and Al Maqased Charity Hospital) and an eye surgery centre where they met and negotiated with the management of these medical facilities. The Jordanian party especially welcomed the offer of cataract surgeries. The team also met the representatives of the Czech Republic's embassy in Jordan. The reconnaissance mission was accompanied by a Jordanian medical expert of the Czech MEDEVAC Programme. They agreed on cooperation related to cataract surgeries, including patient selection, a schedule of surgeries, post-operative care and on how to deal with potential complications.

Jordan / General University Hospital in Prague - Traumatology (May 27th - June 6th, 2015)

During its mission at Al Maqased Charity Hospital in Jordan between 27 May and 6 June, the trauma team of General University Hospital in Prague performed twelve planned and two acute surgeries. This team focused primarily on surgical reconstructions. The doctors also met the representatives of the Czech Republic's embassy in Jordan. A Jordanian medical expert of the Czech MEDEVAC Programme cooperated with the team of doctors all the time, helping them communicate with local patients and hospital staff.

Jordan / Motol University Hospital - Paediatric Heart Surgery (June 1st - June 9th, 2015)

Between 1 and 9 June 2015, a two-member team of doctors from the Children's Heart Centre of Motol University Hospital was deployed on its fourth mission within the MEDEVAC Programme. At the Al Khalidi Medical Center, the team operated nine Syrian children with congenital heart disease aged from three months to nine years. In patient selection, pre-operative and post-operative care, the medical team used the excellent cooperation with the local paediatric cardiologist. All operated children survived and there were no post-operative complications. Both surgeries and the post-operative development went on smoothly.

Cambodia / Motol University Hospital - Paediatric Heart Surgery (June 14th - June 20th, 2015)

Between 14 and 20 June 2015, a two-member team from Motol University Hospital (a cardiologist and a heart surgeon) went on a reconnaissance mission to Calmette Hospital in Phnom Penh in Cambodia in order to prepare a medical mission of Motol University Hospital to be held in September 2015. This mission should focus on surgical treatment of congenital heart defects in children. Calmette Hospital doctors are strongly interested in cooperation in care for children with congenital heart disease. Members of the hospital management are interested in the work of Czech medical teams, internships at Czech hospitals and increased hospital capacity through donations of discarded devices and instruments from the Czech Republic.

Ukraine / Medical Humanitarian Airlift to the Czech Republic (July 14th, 2015)

A medical humanitarian airlift of Ukrainian nationals for medical treatment in the Czech Republic under the MEDEVAC Programme was implemented on 14 July 2015. The airlift was coordinated by the Ministry of the Interior in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defence and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Kiev. A total of nine patients and two persons accompanying minors were brought to the Czech Republic. The range of injuries included orthopaedic injuries, conditions requiring cardiac surgery and war injuries. The most serious injuries included burn injuries requiring intensive care. The patients were predominantly citizens of Ukraine who had been internally displaced from the eastern areas affected by hostilities who were staying in the area of Kharkov on a long-term basis at the time of the airlift.

Jordan / Olomouc University Hospital - Traumatology (September 1st - September 17th, 2015)

The medical team of Olomouc University Hospital consisting of two doctors specialising in trauma surgery of limbs, one anaesthesiologist and one physiotherapist specialising in the rehabilitation of hand traumas and the musculoskeletal system were deployed at Al Maqased Charity Hospital between 1 and 17 September where they operated and rehabilitated vulnerable groups of inhabitants, i.e. both Syrian refugees in Jordan and socially weak Jordanian citizens who mostly cannot afford the necessary medical care. The team selected a total of 35 patients for surgeries, of whom 28 patients were operated. The operated traumas mostly included limb fractures, operations of explosion consequences or gunshot wounds. It was also the first team under the MEDEVAC Programme that invited an experienced physiotherapist to Jordan who could rehabilitate the operated patients as well as the patients who had been admitted to hospital. The entire team was received by the representatives of the Czech embassy in Jordan and - as always - was assisted by the Jordanian medical expert from the Czech MEDEVAC Programme.

Photo gallery: Jordan / Olomouc University Hospital - Traumatology Photo gallery

Cambodia / Motol University Hospital - Paediatric Heart Surgery (September 12th - September 27th, 2015)

The medical team from the Children's Heart Centre of Motol University Hospital comprising two heart surgeons, two cardiologists and two nurses was deployed between 12 and 27 September 2015 at Calmette Hospital in Phnom Pen, Cambodia. The team operated thirteen Cambodian children with congenital heart disease aged between one and sixteen years. During the patient selection, during surgeries and in post-opertive care, the team cooperated with the Cambodian specialists from Calmette Hospital and the charity organisation Chain of Hope.  All children were successfully operated and disconnected from breathing devices. Cambodia is not a country affected by a war conflict or any extensive natural disaster, but it still remains one of the least developed countries with a high need for assistance from international donors. Health care services are among the top priorities of the Cambodian government.

Jordan / Hradec Králové University Hospital - Ophthalmology (October 12th - October 18th, 2015)

Under the MEDEVAC/Jordan Programme mission, a three-member medical team from Hradec Králové University Hospital focused on cataract surgeries. During its Jordanian mission, the team performed 100 surgical interventions (advanced, mature and very complicated cataract cases). During the mission, the team was received by the employees of the Czech embassy in Amman and got support from the Jordanian medical expert of the Czech MEDEVAC Programme and a liaison officer of the Ministry of the Interior for migration who was temporarily assigned to the Czech Republic's representative office in Amman.

Ukraine / Medical Humanitarian Airlift to the Czech Republic (October 1st, 2015)

A medical humanitarian airlift of a Ukrainian national (an internally displaced girl and her statutory representative) was conducted on 1 October 2015 in close cooperation with the Representative Office of the Czech Republic in Kiev. The patient was injured during an explosion in Uglegorsk where her house was hit by military equipment. The Representative Office in Kiev, in cooperation with Kiev Hospital, provided the patient's examination and prepared a current medical report. The report was given to Hradec Králové University Hospital that was assessed as the best alternative for the patient's care. After an expert consultation with the hospital's doctors, the hospital agreed to admit and treat the patient.

Jordan / Reimbursement of a Surgery in Amman (October 2015)

Upon the request of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the MEDEVAC Programme reimbursed a complicated acute heart surgery in a two-month Syrian refugee baby. The baby suffered from a severe heart defect with an anticipated survival of about one month. In cooperation with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the Representative Office in Amman, Al Khalidi Hospital in Jordan and the Ministry of the Interior, an experienced Jordanian surgeon was arranged who successfully performed the indicated surgery after consultations with Motol University Hospital. The surgery was successful with no complicated post-operative conditions.

Ukraine / University Hospital in Ostrava - Training of a Ukrainian Doctor at University Hospital in Ostrava (September 29th - October 15th, 2015)

In cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior and the Representative Office in Kiev, the Burn Centre of University Hospital in Ostrava prepared a training course for a Ukrainian surgeon, a burn specialist, under the MEDEVAC Programme. The training included education lectures, morning ward rounds at the ICU, extended rounds at the ICU, as well as checks of scarring development and scar treatment, internship at the Trauma Centre, Clinic of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Medicine, and also internship at the Centre for Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery.

Kenya / Motol University Hospital - Paediatric Heart Surgery (October 19th - October 31st, 2015)

The international medical team headed by physicians from Motol University Hospital was active at The Mater Hospital in the capital of Kenya, Nairobi, between 19 and 31 October 2015. This hospital has been trying to mediate heart surgeries to the most vulnerable children on a long-term basis, and the MEDEVAC Programme seeks to provide its assistance as much as possible. A total of fifteen children with congenital heart defects were operated under the MEDEVAC Programme this year, aged between one year and 10 years, primarily patients with Tetralogy of Fallot. The long-term objective includes increasing the level of the local medical staff, which paves the way for possible internships of selected doctors and nurses at Motol University Hospital in Prague.

Iraq - the Iraqi Region of Kurdistan / General University Hospital in Prague - Training of Kurdish Medical Staff (November 2nd - November 29th, 2015)

As part of the training, four surgeons of various fields, one anaesthesiologist, and three members of the paramedical staff - two men and one woman, arrived to the Czech Republic. The training programme was prepared by physicians of the First Surgical Clinic of General University Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. The course was managed by the first deputy director for science, research and education of General University Hospital in Prague.  The appropriate institutional support was provided by the Ministry of the Interior in cooperation with the Ministries of Health and Foreign Affairs.

During the first week, all participants were informed about interventions in severe patients on digital models in the simulation centre of the Institute of Physiology of the First  Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, and during the following weeks, they worked as interns and took part in seminars and workshops at the First Surgical Clinic of General University Hospital and the First  Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and at the Second Surgical Clinic of General University Hospital and the First  Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. In cooperation with Královské Vinohrady University Hospital, the burn surgeon was in training at the hospital’s Burn Centre, and the orthopaedist attended selected surgeries at the Orthopaedic Clinic of Královské Vinohrady University Hospital and the Third Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.  They also took part in training at the Institute of Hand Surgery in Vysoké nad Jizerou. The course was finished with presentation of certificates at the First Surgical Clinic of General University Hospital and the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.

The course that was part of the MEDEVAC Programme implementation was positively received both by the participants and by the ministries involved. Following the experience from this pilot course, similar activities will be prepared in 2016.

Jordan / Bulovka Hospital - Orthopaedics, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (November 25th - December 4th, 2015)

At the turn of November 2015, another medical mission of a six-member team of Bulovka Hospital took place, focusing on surgeries in Syrian children and adult patients with acquired or congenital disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The plastic surgery team examined a total of 29 patients, 17 of which were operated. The range of interventions included complex defects, congenital disorders of limbs, and reconstructions of the grasp function or nerves of the hand. The orthopaedic team examined 45 patients with post-traumatic, congenital and degenerative disorders of the musculoskeletal system and performed eleven surgeries.  A total of 33 Intragel injections were applied in knee joints of seven patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee joint. The injection application was chosen as an alternative to the total knee replacement in patients who do not qualify for such an intervention due to their age and health condition. The surgeries were followed by check-ups and re-dressings of all patients. Upon departure, all operated patients were without any apparent complications, the most of them were released for home convalescence.


Department of Asylum and Migration Policy, January 5th, 2024

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