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Medical Humanitarian Programme MEDEVAC

MEDEVAC is a permanent government programme of the Czech Republic, which focuses on providing medical care and assistance for vulnerable groups of persons in the countries affected by migration or burdened by a large number of refugees. The care provided is free of charge and exclusively for civilians - persons, who are in dire of such medical care or whose condition prevents them from leading a dignified life. 


MEDEVAC in 2022

The MEDEVAC Czech Programme in the 2022

  • 14 medical missions abroad (Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Senegal);
  • 851 surgical procedures performed abroad on 833 patients (gynaecology, ophthalmology, ENT, plastic surgery, traumatology);
  • 7 reconnaissance missions abroad to expand the MEDEVAC Programme in both existing and new partner countries (Ghana, Lebanon, Rwanda, Senegal, Zambia);
  • 5 internships of health professionals in the Czech Republic, 1 training session abroad (Ghana, Senegal, Ukraine) - 19 trained persons in total + 20 persons trained during medical missions abroad;
  • 1 healthcare project to build healthcare infrastructure in Lebanon for a sum of CZK 5 million;
  • 2 foreign admissions from Ghana and Senegal within the framework of the Health Forum Czech Republic - Africa 2022;
  • 8 participating Czech hospitals (Brno University Hospital, Bulovka University Hospital, General University Hospital, IKEM, Královské Vinohrady University Hospital, Military University Hospital, Motol University Hospital, Olomouc University Hospital);
  • Emergency humanitarian assistance to Ukraine in the form of material aid, medical evacuations, internships and support for projects of international organisations;
  • Exhibition of photographs of MEDEVAC and Aid in Place in the framework of the Czech EU Presidency.



Lebanon / Brno University Hospital, Bulovka University Hospital – Reconnaissance for Traumatology and Plastic Surgery (February 23rd – February 25th 2022)

In late February, MUDr. Milan Krtička, Ph.D., from Brno University Hospital and MUDr. Martin Molitor, Ph.D., from Bulovka University Hospital participated in a reconnaissance trip to Lebanon. Its purpose was to visit a partner hospital of the MEDEVAC Programme in Beirut, Rafik Hariri University Hospital, where the physicians were finding out about specific possibilities for future assistance and collaboration. Thus, in addition to the already established ophthalmological missions, the activities of the MEDEVAC Programme in Lebanon will be expanded to include the disciplines of traumatology and plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Senegal / Bulovka University Hospital – Gynaecology (March 17th – March 30th 2022)

Over a period of nine operation days, the gynaecological team led by MUDr. Petr Hubka, Ph.D., performed surgeries on a total of 75 female patients with complicated diagnoses and from the poorest segments of the Senegal population in Centre Hospitalier El Hadji Amadou Sakhir Ndieguene in the city of Thiès.

Senegal / Olomouc University Hospital, Brno University Hospital, Královské Vinohrady University Hospital (March 21st – April 1st 2022) + Reconnaissance Carried out by the Army of the Czech Republic (March 21st – March 24th 2022)

Over a period of eight operation days, a mixed team from Olomouc University Hospital, Brno University Hospital and Královské Vinohrady University Hospital performed a total of 25 procedures on 22 patients who could not otherwise afford the surgery. During the medical missions, the reconnaissance traumatological mission of the Army of the Czech Republic (Hradec Králové University Hospital) also took place here from March 21st to March 24th, 2022 – this was historically the first MEDEVAC mission for the Army of the Czech Republic. In addition to the surgical procedures, all members of the medical team were also educating the local medical staff during their missions and did so not only in the field of diagnostics but also in the field of procedures in the operating room and in the field of sterilising surgical instruments.

Lebanon / General University Hospital – Ophthalmology (May 15th – May 20th 2022)

A two-member ophthalmological team from General University Hospital performed surgeries in the Beirut-based Rafik Hariri University Hospital for the fourth time. Although the implementation of the mission was uncertain until the last moment because of the ongoing strike of the hospital’s employees, our team was eventually able to perform surgeries on a total of 65 patients during five working days. Due to the ongoing financial crisis and rising inflation, an increasing number of people cannot afford to pay for medical care, and consequently there is a huge demand for the ophthalmological missions of the MEDEVAC Programme. The next mission is planned for the second half of the year.

Ghana / Královské Vinohrady University Hospital – Plastic Surgery (May 23rd – June 3rd 2022)

A three-member team of Královské Vinohrady University Hospital led by prof. MUDr. Andrej Sukop, Ph.D., performed a total of 44 surgical procedures on 28 patients over a period of six operation days. The physicians performed the surgeries in a partner university hospital, Cape Coast Teaching Hospital. In the screening process, a total of 50 patients were examined, predominantly women and children with congenital limb deformities or after grave burn injuries. This was the first plastic reconstructive surgery mission to Ghana, which followed up on the reconnaissance in 2019.

Jordan / General University Hospital – Traumatology (May 26th – June 3rd 2022)

A four-member team from General University Hospital once again took a trip to Jordan for a traumatological mission at the turn of May and June. After making a selection from more than 60 patients who came to the screening examination, the surgical procedures commenced. During 5 operation days, a total of 25 surgeries were performed and 28 intra-joint injections were applied. As part of the mission, patients also received physical therapy, which is very important for healing.

Jordan / Military University Hospital – Ophthalmology (June 12th – June 21st 2022)

The ophthalmology mission, which took place in Amman, Jordan, in late June, was focused on treating patients with cataract, which caused many of them to go completely blind. The team of Military University Hospital worked in 2 operating rooms and, during the one-week mission, helped a total of 203 patients who were selected from among the local poor population and who would not have been able to afford the much needed surgery without the assistance provided by the MEDEVAC Programme.

Ghana / Bulovka University Hospital – Gynaecology (June 13th – June 23rd 2022)

Over a period of five operation days, the seven-member gynaecological team from Bulovka University Hospital participated in a mission in Tamale Teaching Hospital. For some of the team members, this was already the third mission in this place. During the five operation days, the team was able to perform surgeries on a total of 83 female patients; these were cases with complicated gynaecological diagnoses. There was no doubt that most of the patients would not have survived any longer without the intervention of the Czech physicians and the opportunity to undergo the surgery for free.

Jordan / Královské Vinohrady University Hospital – plastic surgery (September 7th – 16th 2022)

As part of the plastic reconstructive surgery mission in Amman, Jordan, a three-member team of the Královské Vinohrady University Hospital led by Prof. MUDr. Andrej Sukop, Ph.D. operated on a total of 20 patients, mostly children with congenital defects of the limbs or after a serious burn injury. Surgery was also performed for a congenital ear defect, which was dealt with by MUDr. Schwarzmannová, one of the leading ear surgery surgeons in the Czech Republic.

Zambia / Motol University Hospital, Olomouc University Hospital - reconnaissance of paediatric cardiac surgery, ENT and traumatology (October 9th – 15th 2022)

Following the Health Forum Czech Republic – Africa conference held in May this year, the MEDEVAC priority countries were expanded to include Zambia. Zambia has long been a priority country for Czech foreign development cooperation, and the Czech Republic has been working in the field of healthcare there, among other things. In October, in cooperation with the Motol University Hospital and the Olomouc University Hospital, a MEDEVAC reconnaissance mission took place in the specialist fields of paediatric heart surgery, ENT and traumatology. The aim of this mission was to assess the conditions on the ground and to define concrete opportunities for cooperation at potential partner hospitals.

Lebanon / General University Hospital – ophthalmology (October 16th – 21st 2022)

The team from the General University Hospital - MUDr. Petr Sklenka and Renata Altmannová - completed its fifth surgical mission at Rafik Hariri University Hospital in Lebanon. Over five days, they operated on 66 cataract patients who come from the most vulnerable segments of the Lebanese population.

Ghana / Brno University Hospital - gynaecology (October 10th – 21st 2022)

The medical team from the Brno University Hospital participated in another successful mission in Ghana, which took place in October at the Tamale Teaching Hospital. Upon arrival at the local hospital, 105 female patients were waiting to be examined. Over six operating days, the six-member gynaecological team managed to operate on a total of 85 patients with complicated gynaecological diagnoses, such as advanced gynaecological tumours or cancer. For most of the patients, it was doubtless that they would not have survived longer without the intervention of Czech doctors and the opportunity to undergo free surgery. Thanks to good cooperation with the local hospital, we are planning to expand our specializations and, on this occasion, we also had a traumatology reconnaissance mission with the participation of doc. MUDr. Filip Burget, Ph.D., from the General University Hospital in Prague. There was also a reconnaissance mission focused on infectology with the participation of MUDr. Peter Smejkal from IKEM.

Ghana / Olomouc University Hospital, Brno University Hospital, Královské Vinohrady University Hospital - traumatology (October 22nd – November 4th 2022)

The second traumatology mission of the MEDEVAC Programme took place in Ghana at the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital. The six-member team from the Olomouc University Hospital, Brno University Hospital and Královské Vinohrady University Hospital performed an incredible 49 surgical procedures on 42 patients over eight operating days. These were patients with unhealed fractures, nerve paresis, infections and acute injuries, poor Ghanaians who would not have access to specialist care without our help. Many of the patients who underwent surgery would have to be bedridden for the rest of their lives or hope that the fracture would heal so that they could use the injured limb again. Surgery and quality medical treatment will restore their mobility and allow them to return to normal life.

Rwanda / Bulovka University Hospital, Královské Vinohrady University Hospital, General University Hospital – reconnaissance of gynaecology, plastic surgery and traumatology (October 31st – November 5th 2022)

One of the countries we went to for the first time this year is Rwanda - a country in the heart of Africa. At the beginning of November, three doctors from three hospitals (Bulovka University Hospital, Královské Vinohrady University Hospital and the General University Hospital) in three specialisations (gynaecology, plastic surgery and traumatology) conducted a reconnaissance mission here. During our short trip, we visited a total of five hospitals, both in the capital Kigali and in the regions. At the same time, discussions were held with the local Ministry of Health and the Czech embassy in Nairobi to determine the form of future cooperation, to ensure that our work in Rwanda is as effective as possible.

Senegal / General University Hospital – traumatology (November 7th – 19th 2022)

Another traumatology medical mission within our programme took place on 7 - 19 November 2022 in Thiès, Senegal, at our partner hospital Centre Hospitalier El Hadji Amadou Sakhir Ndieguene. The autumn mission in the specialist field of traumatology was conducted by the General University Hospital team led by doc. MUDr. Filip Burget, Ph.D. Although the mission was adversely affected by a strike of the ward staff, the doctors managed to successfully perform 25 operations on 23 patients during the mission.

Senegal / Motol University Hospital – ENT (November 23rd – December 4th 2022)

The last mission in Senegal this year was the ENT mission, attended by a team of healthcare professionals from Motol University Hospital led by Prof. MUDr. Jan Plzák, Ph.D. During the mission, the medical team once again managed to operate on more patients than in the previous year - the number of patients has now reached 70. Once again, the patients came from disadvantaged backgrounds and often waited a whole year for their surgery. Thanks to Senegalese physician Dr. Aminata Mbaye and her excellent organizational skills, the medical mission also gained an international dimension - our operating doctors were visited by leading ENT doctors not only from other Senegalese hospitals, but also ENT specialists from abroad (Guinea, Comoros, Mauritania), greatly increasing the educational potential of this mission.

Kenya / Motol University Hospital – paediatric heart surgery (November 20th – 29th 2022)

During November, a mission of the paediatric heart surgery team from Motol University Hospital took place in Nairobi, during which a total of 9 children with congenital heart defects underwent surgery. The operations took place at the Mater Misericordiae Hospital, where the MEDEVAC Programme operated some years ago. During the mission, a meeting was also held with the Kenyan Ministry of Health, where the issue of further cooperation between MEDEVAC and Kenya was raised.



Ghana / Královské Vinohrady University Hospital – Plastic Surgery (February 21st – February 27th 2022)

At Královské Vinohrady University Hospital (FNKV), we welcomed a female physician specialising in plastic and reconstructive surgery who arrived from our partner hospital, Cape Coast Teaching Hospital in Ghana. During her stay, the physician had the opportunity to watch many surgeries performed by prof. MUDr. Andrej Sukop, Ph.D., and his team. In May this year, the first mission of plastic surgeons from Královské Vinohrady University Hospital to Cape Coast followed up on this internship, and the scope of operation of the MEDEVAC Programme in Ghana has thus expanded to cover three medical specialisations.

Ghana / Brno University Hospital – Gynaecology (April 24th – May 7th 2022)

At the turn of April and May, the internship of five medical professionals from Tamale Teaching Hospital in Ghana – two female physicians, two anaesthesiologists and one instrument nurse, specialising in gynaecology – took place in Brno University Hospital. The internship followed up on the first mission of the Gynaecology-Obstetrics Clinic of Brno University Hospital in Ghana, which took place in October 2021. The purpose of the internship was not only to provide the medical professionals from Ghana with new knowledge and experience and to acquaint them with the operation of the largest gynaecological clinic in the Czech Republic but also to deepen the relationship between the Czech and Ghanaian teams of medical professionals. This experience gained by the Tamale team abroad will help them, among other things, to make changes in the operation of their own department and ultimately to provide better care to their female patients in the long run.

Senegal / Bulovka University Hospital – Gynaecology (May 29th – June 10th 2022)

In late May, we received a group of four Senegalese medical professionals specialising in gynaecology from our partner hospital, Centre Hospitalier El Hadji Amadou Sakhir Ndieguene in the city of Thiès, for a two-week specialist internship. In our country, the three physicians and the one member of the operating room technical staff were given knowledge related to laparoscopic surgical procedures, among other things.

Senegal / Motol University Hospital – ENT (September 12th – October 28th 2022)

On 12 September 2022, Dr. Aminata Mbaye from Senegal arrived for her 6-week internship in the Czech Republic. She specialises in ENT and she developed her knowledge at the Motol University Hospital, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of the 1st Medical Faculty and Motol University Hospital and at the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic of the 2nd Medical Faculty and Motol University Hospital. Her internship was unique for us because of its length (Dr. Mbaye stayed with us until 28 October), as well as the type of internship - thanks to a permit to practice as a physician in the Czech Republic, which was secured in cooperation with the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, Dr. Mbaye was also able assist during surgery, for instance.

Senegal / AČR - anaesthesiology (November 7th – 11th 2022)

In November, a training mission in the field of anaesthesiology was held for the first time, led by MUDr. Jan Štětina from the Hradec Králové University Hospital and MUDr. Jan Páleník from the Military University Hospital, which ran concurrently with the General University Hospital traumatology mission. During this training mission, which was very positively received by Senegalese healthcare professionals, 7 health workers were trained - 3 doctors and 4 members of the technical staff. Given the importance of anaesthesia for all surgical specialisations, we plan to continue to operate in this area in Senegal.

Ukraine / Královské Vinohrady University Hospital - burns (October 3rd – 14th 2022)

In October, a two-week internship took place for Ukrainian physician Dr. Natalie Tuziuk from the hospital in Lviv, at the Burn Medicine Clinic of the Královské Vinohrady University Hospital. It was a follow-up to the supplies of consumables that we sent to the hospital in cooperation with the Královské Vinohrady University Hospital and the Czech Red Cross, and the spring evacuation of a burned girl, which was initiated by the hospital in Lviv.



Lebanon – Access to Primary Health Care

The MEDEVAC Programme donated CZK 5 million to support a project of Amel Association International aiming to enhance the infrastructure for providing primary health care. As part of the project, equipment for ophthalmology, a laboratory, ultrasonic equipment, refrigerators for vaccines and solar systems for 10 medical centres across Lebanon will be purchased; the project will also include training medical staff in using the equipment, in the WHO standards and in Covid-19 prevention.



On February 25th, 2022, the government of the Czech Republic passed Resolution No. 131 on the provision of urgent assistance to Ukraine. A total of 7 deliveries of medical supplies were sent to Ukraine and two medical humanitarian evacuations to the Czech Republic were carried out. The transport of the in-kind support was ensured in cooperation with the Czech Red Cross and Ukrainian Red Cross and the Fire Rescue Service. As part of implementation of this Resolution, the following support was provided through the foreign programmes of the Ministry of the Interior:

The first shipment of medical consumables worth CZK 1.6 million was provided in cooperation with Královské Vinohrady University Hospital. The shipment intended for the burn treatment centre in Lviv contained medical consumables, the list of which was prepared in cooperation with physicians from Ukraine.

The second shipment was prepared according to a list, which the Czech Republic received from the Embassy of Ukraine in Prague. Once again, it contained medical consumables, particularly needles, cannulae, thermal blankets or emergency packages for suturing wounds worth a total of CZK 300 thousand. The medical consumables were procured in cooperation with Motol University Hospital.

The third shipment headed to the Kyiv Regional Hospital, which has been a partner hospital of the MEDEVAC Programme for many years. The medical consumables worth CZK 1.6 million were procured in cooperation with Motol University Hospital. The shipment mainly included bandages, gauze and surgical suturing materials.

The fourth shipment contained a total of 6,000 blood bags worth a total of approximately CZK 1.3 million. This shipment was sent in response to an initiative from the Ministry of Health. The supplies were purchased and transported to a humanitarian warehouse in Poland in cooperation with the Fire Rescue Service.

The fifth shipment worth approximately CZK 3 million included a delivery of medical supplies for a children’s orthopaedic clinic worth approximately CZK 2.5 million. The shipment contained medical consumables and external fixators. The shipment also included other medical supplies worth approximately CZK 500 thousand for the burn treatment centre in Lviv.

The sixth shipment of in-kind support was prepared for the Zakarpattia Regional Cardiology Outpatient Department at the request of the Embassy of Ukraine in Prague. The cardiological equipment worth CZK 4.68 million was prepared by Motol University Hospital; the shipment was received and transported to the destination by the Embassy of Ukraine.

In cooperation with the Ukrainian Red Cross, the seventh shipment of in-kind support worth CZK 520 thousand was delivered to Ukraine in June. This shipment included chest pumps with accessories. This shipment was prepared by Bulovka University Hospital and was transported to Feofaniya Hospital in Kyiv by the Czech Red Cross.

The ninth consignment of consumable medical supplies, which included mainly first aid equipment, was sent to Ukraine in cooperation with our partner, the Královské Vinohrady University Hospital. The value of the shipment amounted to CZK 3 million, and its transport to Ukraine was arranged by the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic.

In April 2022, the Ukrainian Red Cross in the Zakarpattia Region was given a financial donation in the amount of CZK 5 million, which was intended to support the logistics and procurement of basic necessities for small children.


Besides the in-kind support, two medical humanitarian evacuations to the Czech Republic were carried out as part of the special assistance to Ukraine. On March 25th, 2022, an evacuation of an eighteen-month-old Ukrainian girl was carried out through cooperation among the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, the Army of the Czech Republic, Královské Vinohrady University Hospital, General University Hospital and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Warsaw. Accompanied by her mother, the little girl who suffered thermal injuries on 60% of her body was received by Czech physicians in a critical but stable condition. Social assistance was provided by Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague.

On April 6th, 2022, the second evacuation was carried out. A 28-year-old firefighter from Kyiv who lost his leg to a mine explosion was successfully transported to the Czech Republic. Cooperation was coordinated by the Ministry of the Interior, the Czech Red Cross, the Ukrainian Red Cross and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. After his arrival in Brno, the patient was transported to Olomouc University Hospital where his wounds and an open fracture of his other leg were treated.

In July, a minor boy with a serious visual impairment was evacuated from the Donetsk region to the Czech Republic. In the Czech Republic, the boy was entrusted to the care of the General University Hospital in Prague, accommodation and social assistance were provided through the Prague Archdiocesan Charity.

Department of Asylum and Migration Policy, January 5th, 2024

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