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As of June 21st, 2021 updated Ministry of Health Protective measure regarding the conditions of entry into the Czech Republic comes into the force

The Protective measure reflects the introduction of EU COVID certificate which enters into application on July 1st, 2021. 

As of June 1st, 2021, the Ministry of Health Protective measure regarding the conditions of entry to the Czech Republic comes into the force

It will be newly possible to travel from or into the Czech Republic from the neighbouring countries without testing or isolation for maximum of 24 hours. 

As of 15th May, 2021 updated Ministry of Health Protective measure regarding the conditions of entry to the Czech Republic comes into the force

The exception for the people vaccinated against Covid-19 will be extended to the wider group of people. In addition to persons vaccinated in the territory of the Czech Republic, the exception extends ... 

On May 3rd, 2021, the Ministry of Health protective measure regarding the conditions of entry to the Czech Republic was updated

Persons who got vaccinated in the territory of the Czech Republic and who possess the certificate of the Czech Ministry of Health regarding their full vaccination may - after the expiration of the per... 

As of April 27th, 2021, India was added on the list of countries with an extreme risk of transmission of COVID-19 disease

Travelling to the countries with an extreme risk of transmission is forbidden (with some exceptions). The current Government has approved a change of Ministry of Health protective measure regarding th... 

Ministr of Health approved to extend the period for which it will not be possible to travel to the countries with an extreme risk COVID-19 transmission

The Ministry of Health Protective Measure currently in force until April 11th, 2021 will be extended until May 31st, 2021. 

Following the decision of DE authorities to remove the CZ from the national list of "areas of COVID-19 variant of concern"

The obligation for transport personnel transiting the Czech Republic to Germany to have a negative test result is cancelled. 

The government has declared the state of emergency

The rules are being tightened (with some exceptions), especially for: 

As of March 1st, 2021, updated Ministry of Health protective measure regarding the conditions of entry to the Czech Republic will be effective

Information on the website will be updated accordingly. 

As of February 26th, 2021 it is not possible to travel to the countries with an extreme risk of COVID-19 transmission

This travel ban applies to the Czech citizens and foreigners living in the territory of the Czech Republic. 


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