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Suspension of proceedings


If, in the course of proceedings, facts are determined which are grounds for suspension of proceedings, the MOI CR shall suspend the proceedings by resolution.  
The grounds for suspension of proceedings are defined in Section 64 of the Administrative Procedure Code and, in the case of proceedings on residence permit; they include primarily suspension for the following reasons:  
  • elimination of errors in the application,
  • proceedings on a preceding matter,
  • at the request of the applicant.
Once the obstacles leading to suspension of proceedings have disappeared, the MOI CR shall notify the applicant of continuation of proceedings.  
If the resolution on suspension of proceedings specifies a deadline for performing an act, the administrative authority may extend this deadline within reason by resolution at the request of the party to the proceedings. 
For the duration of suspension of proceedings, only acts which are necessary for eliminating the grounds for suspension shall be performed.  
Time period for issuing decisions ceases to elapse on the day on which any of the grounds for suspension of proceedings has arisen, and does not end until 15 days from the day on which suspension ended have elapsed. 

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