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International Protection

Information for Applicants for International Protection 

The International Protection Unit of the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy (DAMP) of the Ministry of the Interior is responsible for the proceedings on the granting international protection in the form of asylum or subsidiary protection and proceedings for the withdrawal of asylum or subsidiary protection according the Asylum Act No. 325/1999 Coll., as amended. The Unit also issues binding opinions within the expulsion procedure under the Foreign Nationals Act No. 326/1999 Coll., as amended, as to whether the departure of a foreign national is possible. International Protection Unit also ensures the application of the Convention on the Status of Stateless Persons and the Temporary Protection Act No. 221/2003 Coll., as amended.

For more information about international protection see: "Administrative proceedings for granting international protection in the Czech Republic" and "Foreigner's stay at asylum facilities".

You can download a brochure with information about the international protection procedure and basic information about the Czech Republic here: Information Publications for Applicants for International Protection.

International Protection Unit of the DAMP is located in the building of the Ministry of the Interior, Prague 7, Nad Štolou 3.

Contact Information:

Ministry of the Interior
Department for Asylum and Migration Policy
P.O. Box 21/OAM
170 34 Prague 7

Phone: 974 833 132, 974 833 134
Fax: 974 833 548

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 – 12:00, 12:30 – 14:00 
                                     Tuesday and Thursday: closed

(Entrance from Milady Horáková Street)

Branch offices of the International Protection Unit of the DAMP are alsolocated at asylum centres and the detention centres as follows.

Reception Centres:

  • Zastávka u Brna (Tel./Fax: 546 429 710)
  • Prague - Ruzyně International Airport (Tel. 974 883 791, Fax: 974 883 799)

Accommodation Centres:

  • Kostelec nad Orlicí (Tel.: 494 320 039, Fax: 494 320 038)
  • Havířov (Tel.: 596 805 916, Fax: 596 805 917)

Detention Centres:

  • Bělá pod Bezdězem - Jezová (Tel./Fax.: 326 734 605)

Department for Asylum and Migration Policy, July 31st, 2017

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