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European Migration Network

  • European Migration Network
  • National Contact Points on Integration (of foreigners)

European Migration Network

European Migration Network

European Migration Network is an EU project aimed at collecting, exchanging and analyzing information on migration and asylum. Thereby it contributes to the implementation of the Hague Program. The Czech Republic already participated in selected activities of the preparatory action (since 2002), after which the project has been officially inaugurated by the Council Decision No. 2008/381/EC (pdf, 56 kB) in May 2008.

Outputs of the European Migration Network are threefold: analytical reports on asylum and migration policy and statistics in the Member States, studies on clearly focused topics, and common information data basis. Also, National Contact Points query each other on Member States’ practice in specific areas of migration and asylum.

Department for Asylum and Migration Policy is the Czech National Contact Point of the European Migration Network. National network will include government bodies, as well as academia and NGOs.

National Contact Points on Integration (of foreigners)

National Contact Points on Integration (of foreigners)

The span of sessions of the European Commission working group of National Contact Points on Integration (NCPI) takes place one to two months. The group’s goal is to improve the cooperation of Member States and support further development in the field of the integration of foreigners. Its activities include the preparation of materials on the EU level, the regular exchange of experience, the preparation of EU integration indicators, specialist seminars and conferences on specific topics, an update of the EU website on integration and the preparation of guides on integration. Further, the Czech Republic is involved in discussions of expert seminars focused on the development of intercultural dialogue.

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