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Funds and Programmes in the Field of Migration

Support for the common asylum and migration policy 

The European Refugee Fund II

The European Refugee Fund II (ERF II) for the period 2005 to 2010, established on the basis of Council Decision No. 2004/904/EC, is a continuation of the first phase of the ERF that was implemented during the 2000 to 2004 timeframe. The European Refugee Fund is a financial tool supporting solidarity between the Member States and created by the Communities within the framework of the area of freedom, security and justice. The primary intent of the European Refugee Fund is to support the efforts undertaken on the part of Member States when accepting refugees and displaced persons and resolving the consequences resulting from the acceptance of these individuals. All projects implemented within ERF II ended in 2009. For the period 2007 to 2013 projects are funded through the General Programme Solidarity and the Management of Migration Flows.

Department for Asylum and Migration Policy, 2nd Nov, 2009

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