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Meeting in Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad, 14th-15th May 2009 – The EU-Russia Permanent Partnership Council Summit attended by Ministers of the Interior and Justice Ministers was held in Kaliningrad, Russia. EU was represented by the Czech Minister of the Interior Martin Pecina, Czech Minister of Justice Daniela Kovářová, Director General of the European Commission's Justice, Freedom and Security Department Jonathan Faull, Director of Europol Robert Wainwright and representatives of Frontex and Eurojust. The Sweden, which takes over the Presidency of EU after Czech Republic, was represented by Beatrice Ask, Minister for Justice, and Tobias Billström, Minister for Migration and Asylum Policy. The Russian delegation was led by Alexander Konovalov, Minister for Justice and Russian representative for cooperation with the European Union in the field of freedom, security and justice, and the Minister of Interior Rashid Nurgaliev. 

Stránkování: Počet fotografií: 5 / 1 | 1 |

Odkazy do noveho okna

česká delegace - ministři a náměstci 

česká delegace - ministři a náměstci


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Martin Pecina a Daniela Kovářová 

Martin Pecina a Daniela Kovářová


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společná jednání 

společná jednání


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švédská ministryně Beatrice Ask 

švédská ministryně Beatrice Ask


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vytisknout  e-mailem