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Slovenian Presidency II.

Brush Up Your English (Slovníček)  

  • A step forward in addressing climate-energy issues

The European Council of March 2007 defined the basic elements of the Union’s new integrated climate and energy policy.

The European Commission’s “climate-energy package”, which will be issued at the end of January, represents one of the key priorities of the Slovenian Presidency.

We will start complex negotiations, but decisive actions will be required from all Member States.

Slovenia would favour early agreement on the energy-climate package (late 2008/early 2009 at the latest) as this would put EU in a very strong position with our international partners, particular in view of December 2009 conference in Copenhagen.

As the fight against climate change and energy policy are closely related, the Presidency will also strive for further progress in the EU energy policy.

step forward – krok vpřed to address – řešit, oslovit issue – záležitost, problem to define – definovat element – prvek package – balíček to issue – vydat, zveřejnit to represent – představovat negotiations – jednání decisive – rozhodný, přesvědčivý to require – požadovat to favour – dávat přednost agreement – dohoda at the latest – nejpozději put – vložit, položit (neprav. slov: put, put, put) strong – silný particular – zvláště in view of – vzhledem k, se zřetelem k fight – boj related – příbuzný to strive for – snažit se, usilovat o further – další progress – pokrok. 

  • Strengthening of the European perspective of the Western Balkans

Stability of the Western Balkans is of utmost importance for security and prosperity of the entire Union.

Therefore Slovenian Presidency firmly believes that further affirmation of the European perspective for the Western Balkans countries should remain a central item on the EU agenda.

We will endeavour towards the reaffirmation of the 2003 Thessaloniki Agenda, completion of the network of Stabilization and Association Agreements, and the enhancement of regional cooperation in several areas.

The resolution of the Kosovo future status as well as the management of the post status process, where the EU will need to assume a leading role, should be achieved in a way to strengthen the stability and security of the entire region.

strengthening – posílení is of utmost importance – je nanejvýš důležité security – bezpečnost entire – celý therefore - a proto firmly – pevně to believe – věřit affirmation – potvrzení to remain – zůstat item – bod, položka to endeavour – snažit se, usilovat completion – dokončení network – síť enhancement – zvýšení, zlepšení several – několik resolution – rozhodnutí, vyřešení as well as – stejně jako to need – potřebovat to assume – předpokládat leading – vůdčí to achieve – dosáhnout to strengthen – posílit entire – celý.

  • Promoting the dialogue between cultures, beliefs and traditions in the context of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.

to promote – podporovat between - mezi belief – víra intercultural – mezikulturní.

Text: Markéta Frýbová

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