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Information for citizens of other EU member states on voting in the European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic

The European Parliament elections in the territory of the Czech Republic are governed by Act No. 62/2003 Coll., on Elections to the European Parliament, as amended (thereinafter the "Act“). 


When will the European Parliament elections take place in the Czech Republic? (Article 3 of the Act)

In the Czech Republic, the European Parliament elections will take place on June 5th and 6th, 2009. On June 5th, 2009 (Friday), polling stations will open from 14:00 to 22:00, on June 6th, 2009 (Saturday) from 8:00 to 14:00.

Under which conditions may citizens of other EU member states cast their EP ballot in the territory of the Czech Republic? (Article 5 of the Act)

A citizen of another EU member state can cast their EP ballot on the territory of the Czech Republic provided that he/she:
  • Is at least 18 years old as of the second pooling day
  • Is registered in the register of citizens for at least 45 days (i.e. at least from April 22, 2009)
A citizen of another EU member state holding a temporary residence permit or a permanent residence ID to reside in the territory of the Czech Republic is registered in the register of citizens.
Applications for a temporary residence permit should be submitted to the relevant Alien Police Inspectorate and applications for a permanent residence ID shall be sent to the Department of Asylum and Migration, Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic (for more information please contact the Alien Police at 00420 974 841 356 or 00420 974 841 357, email:
A citizen of another EU member state will be registered in the register of citizens after having received a temporary residence permit or a permanent residence ID.
  • Has the right to exercise his/her voting rights
A citizen will not be allowed to vote should there be a statutory limitation imposed on his/her voting rights for reasons of protection of health or withdrawal or his/her legal capacity.
  • Is entered on the EP elections electoral roll

Who keeps the electoral rolls for the EP elections in the territory of the Czech Republic? (Article 27 and 28 of the Act)

EP elections electoral roll is administered by local authorities. The local authority prepares the electoral roll for each EP elections as required by the Act. A citizen of another EU member state will be placed on the electoral roll when:
  • He/she applies to be registered on the EP elections electoral roll in the territory of the Czech Republic,
  • He/she had applied to be registered on the EP elections electoral roll in the territory of the Czech Republic for the last EP elections in 2004, has not since then applied to be deleted from the roll and meets the conditions necessary for an EU citizen to exercise his/her right to vote,
  • He/she is registered in the appendix to the permanent list of voters for the purpose of municipal elections and applies at the local authority where he/she is registered in the appendix to permanent list of voters for transfer of his/her data from the appendix to the permanent list of voters into the EP elections electoral roll.

When and how should I apply for an entry on the EP elections electoral roll? (Article 29 of the Act)

  1. A citizen of another EU state having the right to vote in the EP elections in the territory of the Czech Republic may express his/her will to vote in the elections to the European Parliament held in the territory of the Czech Republic by applying to the local authority in whose citizen’s registry he/she is included for registration on the EP elections electoral rolls. Any such application may be made no later than 40 days before the date of the elections (i.e. by 16:00 hours on April 26th, 2009); the above does not apply to the citizens of other EU member states who had applied for registration on the EP elections electoral rolls in the territory of the Czech Republic during the last EP elections in 2004, have not since then applied to be deleted the roll and meet the conditions necessary for an EU citizen to exercise his/her right to vote in the territory of the Czech Republic.
  2. A citizen of another EU member state, registered in the appendix to the permanent list of voters for the Czech Republic municipal elections, shall apply at the local authority in whose appendix to the permanent list of voters he/she is registered for a transfer of his/her data from the appendix to the permanent list of voters to the EP elections electoral roll. Such applications shall be made no later than 40 days before the election day (16:00 hours on April 26th, 2009).
Applications shall be made in person or in writing. The local authority shall inform the applicant on the status of his/her application no later than 15 days before the pooling day, i.e. by May 21st, 2009 (see Application for registration onto EP elections electoral roll (pdf, 67 kBl).

How do I apply for entry onto the EP elections electoral roll? (Article 29 of the Act)

  1. The following documents shall be provided with the application for registration onto the EP elections electoral roll:
  • Copy of a document confirming that the applicant is registered in the citizens' registry (i.e. copy of certificate of a temporary residence permit or a permanent residence ID),
  • Applicant's declaration, specifying his/her:
  1. citizenship,
  2. place of residence,
  3. address of the electoral district in which he/she has been registered for the EP elections and
  4. intention to vote in the EP elections only in the territory of the Czech Republic.

  1. Application for a transfer of data from the appendix to the permanent list of voters into the EP elections electoral roll shall also include a declaration, specifying the applicant's:
  1. citizenship,
  2. place of residence,
  3. address of the electoral district in which he/she has been registered for the EP elections and
  4. intention to vote in the EP elections only in the territory of the Czech Republic.

Where can I vote in the EP elections in the Czech Republic? (Article 36 of the Act)

1) Voters cast their ballots at a polling station at the municipality where they are registered on the EP elections electoral roll. In municipalities with several electoral districts, voters shall cast their ballot in the electoral district of their residence. Not later than 15 days before the pooling day, i.e. by May 21st, 2009, the mayor's office shall announce the electoral districts along with addresses of the polling stations.
2) Any voter may, due to serious (especially medical) reasons, ask his/her local authority and – during the elections – also the relevant district election committee, to vote outside the polling station at a place located in the area falling within the district election commission’s territorial competence. In such a case, the district election committee concerned shall send two of its members equipped with a mobile ballot box, an official envelope, ballot tickets, and an excerpt from the EP elections electoral roll to the location chosen by the voter. Such members of district election commission are obligated to proceed in compliance with the principles of the secret ballot.
3) Voters may, upon submitting their electoral identity card, establishing their identity and a citizenship of another EU member state, cast their ballot at any polling station in the territory of the Czech Republic.

How can I get my electoral identity card? (Article 30 of the Act)

Electoral identity cards are issued by local authorities to voters entered on that local authority's EP elections electoral roll and unable or not willing to vote at the given electoral district.
Voters registered on the EP elections electoral roll may apply for an electoral identity card from the day when the elections had been announced by means of delivering a written application, including their notarised signature, to the relevant local authority (no later than 15 days before the election date, i.e. by May 21st, 2009). The local authority shall issue such electoral identity card to the applicant, or his/her representative empowered by a power of attorney holding the applicant’s notarised signature, in person or by mail no sooner than 15 days before the election date.

What should I do after entering the polling station? (Article 36 of the Act)

Ballot tickets shall be distributed to all voters no later than three days before the commencement of the elections.
Each voter shall vote in person, no representation shall be permitted.
After having entered the pooling station, a citizen of other EU member state shall establish his/her identity and citizenship of another EU member state; the entry on the EP elections electoral roll is accepted as a proof of the registration of such citizen in the citizens' register; in case of a discrepancy in such entry, the citizen shall present a temporary residence permit or a permanent residence ID.
Voters who fail to establish the above facts shall not be permitted to vote.
Voters using electoral cards shall then hand-over their cards to the district election committee.
After being marked on the excerpt from the EP elections electoral roll, voters shall receive an empty official envelope from the district election committee. Upon voter's request, the district election committee shall replace any missing, crossed-out, or otherwise marked tickets by new ones.
Voters not entered on the excerpt from the EP elections electoral roll shall not be permitted to vote by the district election committee. This provision shall not apply to voters using electoral identity cards.

How do I vote? (Article 37 of the Act)

Citizens of EU member states casting their ballot in the territory of the Czech Republic vote for European Parliament candidates registered to stand in the Czech Republic.
After receiving an official envelope and ballot tickets - where applicable - each voter enters a booth designated for the completion of ballot tickets. Here, the voter places one ballot ticket into the official envelope. It is permitted to circle identification numbers of up to 2 candidates on each ballot ticket to indicate the voter’s preferences. No other modifications of a ballot ticket shall be accepted in the final counting.
No other person shall be present in the section designated for the completion of ballot tickets together with the voter. This rule applies equally to members of the district election committee. Voters unable to complete their ballot tickets themselves as a result of their disability or failure to read or write may invite another voter to the section designated for the completion of ballot tickets to help them complete their ballot tickets and enter them into the official envelope. Such assistance shall not be provided by a member of the district election committee.
After leaving the section designated for the completion of ballot tickets, each voter shall place the envelope containing his/her ballot ticket into a ballot box before the district election committee. If a voter is unable to place the envelope containing his/her ballot ticket into a ballot box, he/she may ask any other voter, but not a member of the district election committee, to do so.
Voters failing to enter the section designated for the completion of ballot tickets shall not be permitted to vote by the district election committee.

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