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Citizenship of the Czech Republic



Foreign nationals with a permanent residence permit for the Czech Republic have the option of obtaining citizenship of the Czech Republic by conferment. The conditions of conferring state citizenship are set out by Act No. 186/2013 Coll., on Acquiring and Losing Citizenship of the Czech Republic, as amended.

The application for the citizenship of the Czech Republic can also be filed by persons without state citizenship that live permanently in the Czech Republic.

The issue of state citizenship falls under the General Administration Division of the Department of State Citizenship and Registry of the MOI with their office address at Náměstí Hrdinů 3, 140 21 Prague 4 and you can contact them at:
tel. 974 817 438 (information line of the Department of State Citizenship and Registry)

More information about the citizenship of the CR is available at the division’s web pages (Czech only).

Information on the new Act on State Citizenship can be found here. (Czech only)

Information on Czech language exam for citizenship can be found here.


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