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Brussels to tighten evaluation

Brush up Your English (slovníček) 

Originally, the Schengen area was supposed to be enlarged by October this year, but the move had to be postponed due to technical problems surrounding the installation of a new central database, known as the SIS II. The database - the updated version of the existing system - is considered the technical soul of Schengen, as it connects member states' national databases on all kinds of information related to border security, such as stolen documents, cars or firearms.
to tighten – utáhnout, uzavřít, zpřísnit evaluation – hodnocení originally – původně …was supposed to be… - měla být to enlarge – rozšířit by October – do října move – postup, tah

to postpone – odložit due to – kvůli surrounding – obklopující, týkající se known as – známá jako to consider – považovat soul – duše …as it connects… - protože spojuje kind – druh related to – týkající se, související s border security – bezpečnost hranic such as – jako například stolen – ukradený documents – doklady firearms – střelné zbraně.

After pressure from the nine Schengen-hopefuls, who suspected political motives for the delay, the Portuguese EU presidency tabled a compromise, known as SIS one 4 all, suggesting that the newcomers join the existing database (SIS I).
"Sometimes Europe is able to make progress in a very short time", commissioner Frattini said, adding that the new information system, SIS II, should be up and running on 18 December 2008.
pressure – tlak Schengen-hopefuls – země čekající na vstup do Schengenského prostoru to suspect – podezírat delay – zpoždění to table – předložit known as – známý jako newcomers – nováčci to join – přidat se sometimes – občas to be able to – být schopen to make progress – udělat pokrok to add – dodat should – by měl (modální sloveso) to be up and running – být v provozu.

Around the same time, the EU's executive body is set to propose changing the way how the member states' performance in the area is evaluated.
"Currently, you have to knock on the door and only then carry out an evaluation", one EU official said, adding that Brussels aims at changing "announced" missions for "unannounced" ones.
But EU capitals will not lose the power to decide where and how often to carry out such check-ups.

around – okolo executive body – výkonný organ to be set to – být připraven, dát se do čeho to propose – navrhnout to change – změnit way – způsob performance – výkon area – oblast to evaluate - hodnotit currently – v současné době to knock – klepat to carry out – provést official – úředník to aim at – usilovat, směřovat announced – oznámený to lose – ztratit power – moc, síla, pravomoc to decide – rozhodnout how often – jak často check-up – kontrola, prověrka

Připravuje Markéta Frýbová

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